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Owen Ham #175025

Owen Ham #175025

Player Info

Ratings Detail

Valley Springs Park - Blue Tees 1-22; 22 holes; Par 73; 7,385 ft.
Valley Springs Park - White/Blue/White (22 Holes); 22 holes; Par 70; 6,285 ft.
Valley Springs Park - Red/White/Blue; 22 holes; Par 69; 5,680 ft.
Valley Springs Park - Blue Tees 1-22; 22 holes; Par 73; 7,385 ft.
Valley Springs Park - White tees to short baskets; 22 holes; Par 67; 5,533 ft.
Valley Springs Park - Red (1-18); 18 holes; Par 54; 3,347 ft.
BCDC Fall SinglesL12-Sep to 31-Oct-2021MA3284868YesYes
BCDC Fall SinglesL12-Sep to 31-Oct-2021MA3370914YesYes
BCDC Fall SinglesL12-Sep to 31-Oct-2021MA3563927YesYes
BCDC Fall SinglesL12-Sep to 31-Oct-2021MA3682883YesYes
BCDC Fall SinglesL12-Sep to 31-Oct-2021MA3763905YesYes
BCDC Fall SinglesL12-Sep to 31-Oct-2021MA3848876YesYes