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D. Edward Newton #17711

D. Edward Newton #17711

Player Info

Ratings Detail

Mixed 12A 6B; 18 holes; Par 54
Orginal Layout; 18 holes; Par 54
Orginal Layout; 18 holes; Par 54
Gold Layout; 18 holes; Par 72
Gold Layout; 18 holes; Par 72
Gold Layout; 18 holes; Par 72
Default Layout; 18 holes; Par 54
Default Layout; 18 holes; Par 54
DDG Friday Night Flights - Spring 2012L6-Apr to 11-May-2012MPO161901YesYes
Killens Fall ClassicC5-Nov-2011MA1157949YesYes
Killens Fall ClassicC5-Nov-2011MA1268894YesYes
Delaware Disc Golf ChallengeA25-Jun to 26-Jun-2011MA1183939YesYes
Delaware Disc Golf ChallengeA25-Jun to 26-Jun-2011MA1285928YesYes
Delaware Disc Golf ChallengeA25-Jun to 26-Jun-2011MA1383939YesYes
Brandywine BreezeB21-May-2011MA1160938YesYes
Brandywine BreezeB21-May-2011MA1253980YesYes