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Jordan Cooney #178838

Jordan Cooney #178838

Player Info

Ratings Detail

Sandy Knoll Disc Golf Course - Odd Short Teepads, Even Long Teepads; 18 holes; Par 57; 7,001 ft.
Sandy Knoll Disc Golf Course - Short Teepads; 18 holes; Par 55; 6,059 ft.
Yulga - Yulga White Tees; 18 holes; Par 54; 5,156 ft.
Standing Rocks - Standing Rocks West Course; 21 holes; Par 66; 5,918 ft.
Standing Rocks - Standing Rocks East Course; 18 holes; Par 55; 4,783 ft.
Sandy Knoll Series #3 driven by Innova DiscsC4-Sep-2021MA3175795YesNo
Sandy Knoll Series #3 driven by Innova DiscsC4-Sep-2021MA3262870YesYes
The Great Glacial WashoutC26-Jun to 27-Jun-2021MA2156898YesYes
The Great Glacial WashoutC26-Jun to 27-Jun-2021MA2270871YesYes
The Great Glacial WashoutC26-Jun to 27-Jun-2021MA2362825YesYes