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Cullen Welch #181409

Cullen Welch #181409

Player Info

Ratings Detail

Weatherford Disc Golf Course - TexasTeam presents Flex-Start series ; 18 holes; Par 55; 6,144 ft.
Z Boaz Park - TexasTeam presents Flex-Start series ; 19 holes; Par 58; 5,935 ft.
Granbury City Park Disc Golf Course - 2nd annual Visit Granbury Open 1st round; 22 holes; Par 70; 7,597 ft.
Granbury City Park Disc Golf Course - 2nd annual Visit Granbury Open 1st round; 22 holes; Par 70; 7,597 ft.
Mackenzie Park - Big Mack Disc Golf Course - Big Mack Shorts ; 18 holes; Par 63; 6,939 ft.
Lubbock Christian University - LCU; 18 holes; Par 56; 5,846 ft.
Mae Simmons Park Disc Golf - Mae Simmons ; 18 holes; Par 57; 5,822 ft.
Lubbock Christian University - LCU; 18 holes; Par 56; 5,846 ft.
TournamentTierDateDivisionRoundScoreRatingEvaluatedIncluded TexasTeam Flex-Start at Weatherford DGCC1-Oct-2023MA3161856YesYes TexasTeam Flex-Start at ZboazC30-Sep-2023MA3173812YesYes
2nd Annual Visit Granbury Open presented by 1010discs.comC6-May-2023MA3182776YesYes
2nd Annual Visit Granbury Open presented by 1010discs.comC6-May-2023MA3279804YesYes
Flex Start at Big Mac DGCC15-Apr-2023MA3175808YesYes
Dynamic Discs Presents the 29th Annual Big Arms on the BrazosB17-Jul to 18-Jul-2021MA3162848NoNo
Dynamic Discs Presents the 29th Annual Big Arms on the BrazosB17-Jul to 18-Jul-2021MA3273799NoNo
Dynamic Discs Presents the 29th Annual Big Arms on the BrazosB17-Jul to 18-Jul-2021MA3360870NoNo