18 | 270.00 | The Discmania Garden City Open 2023, New Zealand South Island Disc Golf Championships - Supported by NZDSS | B | 03-Feb to 05-Feb-2023 | |
5 | 65.00 | 2023 ACT Disc Golf Championships - The Sizzler presented by AUS DISCS | C | 25-Feb to 26-Feb-2023 | $96 |
2 | 35.00 | Sydney Summer Slam 2023 Presented by Disc Golf Warehouse | C | 18-Mar-2023 | $53 |
11 | 67.50 | Vic Open 2023 | B | 22-Apr to 25-Apr-2023 | |
1 | 35.00 | Jesmond Jam (MPO, FPO, MA1, FA1, FA40, MA40, MA50) | C | 07-May-2023 | $104 |
1 | 45.00 | Central West Cold Snap 2023 | C | 01-Jul to 02-Jul-2023 | $326 |
4 | 157.50 | Disc Connection Queensland Open 2023 | B | 07-Jul to 09-Jul-2023 | $174 |
3 | 60.00 | Winter Ambush -Sydney Invitational | C | 22-Jul to 23-Jul-2023 | $205 |
5 | 120.00 | RPM Discs WA Open 2023 supported by Disc Connection & Disc Golf Warehouse | B | 25-Aug to 27-Aug-2023 | $162 |
1 | 45.00 | Spring Sling | C | 21-Oct-2023 | $229 |
3 | 220.00 | Aus Discs presents the 2023 Eruption powered by City of Mount Gambier | A | 03-Nov to 05-Nov-2023 | $494 |