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Jacob Garner #191305

Jacob Garner #191305

Player Info

Ratings Detail

Jones Creek Ranch Park - SHELDON's - Jones Creek 21Hole 2023 TSDGC ; 21 holes; Par 66; 7,095 ft.
Northside Christian Church Disc Golf Course - LUCKY ACE's- Northside Christian Church "23 -TSDGC Layout ; 21 holes; Par 67; 7,671 ft.
Duessen Park - LEGIT DISC's - Deussen F-Pool Mixed Layout 2023 TSDGC; 18 holes; Par 59; 6,192 ft.
Jack Brooks Park - Cedar Hills - HILLS - CONCRETE JBO; 18 holes; Par 60; 6,900 ft.
Jack Brooks Park - Gulf Meadows - Meadows Traditional ; 18 holes; Par 55; 5,366 ft.
Stonebridge Church - Original Layout; 18 holes; Par 55; 5,182 ft.
Terremont\GracePoint; 18 holes; Par 54; 5,289 ft.
MetCenter Disc Golf Course - Met Shorts (Long on 1); 18 holes; Par 67; 7,906 ft.
MetCenter Disc Golf Course - Met Shorts (Long on 1); 18 holes; Par 67; 7,906 ft.
Windwood Presbyterian Church - Windwood FTH2022- *short 13; 21 holes; Par 64; 6,558 ft.
Northside Christian Church Disc Golf Course - NCC Short 1 and 18 ; 21 holes; Par 66; 6,954 ft.
Northside Christian Church Disc Golf Course - Space City Flex 2; 18 holes; Par 56; 5,733 ft.
Milby Park Disc Golf Course - milby; 21 holes; Par 67; 7,689 ft.
Milby Park Disc Golf Course - milby; 21 holes; Par 67; 7,689 ft.
Northside Christian Church Disc Golf Course - The Northside Cup B Pool; 18 holes; Par 54; 5,068 ft.
Northside Christian Church Disc Golf Course - The Northside Cup B Pool; 18 holes; Par 54; 5,068 ft.
Jack Brooks Park - Gulf Meadows - MEADOWS - short 3 and 18; 18 holes; Par 55; 5,421 ft.
Jack Brooks Park - Cedar Hills - HILLS short 3, 5,7-novice and ladies ; 18 holes; Par 57; 6,299 ft.
28th Annual Texas State Disc Golf Championships - Presented by Innova A24-Mar to 26-Mar-2023MA3367891YesYes
28th Annual Texas State Disc Golf Championships - Presented by Innova A24-Mar to 26-Mar-2023MA3271897YesYes
28th Annual Texas State Disc Golf Championships - Presented by Innova A24-Mar to 26-Mar-2023MA3165801YesYes
Jack Brooks Open - Driven by Innova B15-Oct-2022MA3268876YesYes
Jack Brooks Open - Driven by Innova B15-Oct-2022MA3155906YesYes
Bo9s "The Chain Tickler"C10-Sep-2022MA3260819YesYes
Bo9s "The Chain Tickler"C10-Sep-2022MA3162852YesYes
The 31st Capital of Texas Open Presented by Mint Discs (A HOTT Qualifier) AM ONLYB21-May to 22-May-2022MA3169910YesYes
The 31st Capital of Texas Open Presented by Mint Discs (A HOTT Qualifier) AM ONLYB21-May to 22-May-2022MA3280819YesYes
Fairway to Heaven III - Driven by Innova - Presented by Houston Disc Golf C/B7-May-2022MA3272857YesYes
Fairway to Heaven III - Driven by Innova - Presented by Houston Disc Golf C/B7-May-2022MA3171860YesYes
Lucky Ace Space City FlexC16-Jan-2022MA4158896NoNo
Par54 Battle of the Rings series (Milby park Madness)C2-Jan-2022MA4280877NoNo
Par54 Battle of the Rings series (Milby park Madness)C2-Jan-2022MA4186831NoNo
The Northside CupC17-Jul-2021MA4157841NoNo
The Northside CupC17-Jul-2021MA4260802NoNo
Gorilla Jam at Jack Brooks - Driven by Innova C10-Jul-2021MA4261844NoNo
Gorilla Jam at Jack Brooks - Driven by Innova C10-Jul-2021MA4167861NoNo