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Gary Hesedahl #192289

Gary Hesedahl #192289

Player Info

Ratings Detail

The Veer - Yellow; 18 holes; Par 59; 6,554 ft.
The Veer - Yellow; 18 holes; Par 59; 6,554 ft.
Oregon Disc Golf Course at Alton Baker Park - 4th Annual Monster Memorial Day Shootout 2022; 19 holes; Par 59; 6,419 ft.
Oregon Disc Golf Course at Alton Baker Park - 4th Annual Monster Memorial Day Shootout 2022; 19 holes; Par 59; 6,419 ft.
Camp Serene Disc Golf Course - Resistance Discs Fall Classic; 18 holes; Par 55; 5,413 ft.
Camp Serene Disc Golf Course - Resistance Discs Fall Classic; 18 holes; Par 55; 5,413 ft.
Camp Serene Disc Golf Course - Resistance Discs Fall Classic; 18 holes; Par 55; 5,413 ft.
The VeerC1-Oct-2022MA2165868YesYes
The VeerC1-Oct-2022MA2264877YesYes
4th Annual Monster Memorial Day Shootout.”(GDG $5K/$10K event)”B30-May-2022MA2167867YesYes
4th Annual Monster Memorial Day Shootout.”(GDG $5K/$10K event)”B30-May-2022MA2267867YesYes
Resistance Discs Fall ClassicB30-Oct to 31-Oct-2021MA1162868YesYes
Resistance Discs Fall ClassicB30-Oct to 31-Oct-2021MA1258910YesYes
Resistance Discs Fall ClassicB30-Oct to 31-Oct-2021MA1354952YesYes