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Forest Ivey #197203

Forest Ivey #197203

Forest Ivey 197203's picture
Forest Ivey 197203's picture

Player Info

Ratings Detail

Veteran's Park - 34th VPO 1st rd 18 A&B pools; 18 holes; Par 55; 6,397 ft.
Veteran's Park - 34th VPO 2ND rd 18 HOLES A pool; 18 holes; Par 62; 8,501 ft.
Saddle Hills Disc Golf Course - Shorts Concrete Tee Pads--par 56; 18 holes; Par 56; 5,522 ft.
Gateway West (The Privy) - Gateway Circle DD FSF 10/4/24; 18 holes; Par 56; 4,827 ft.
Veteran's Park - 33rd VPO 1st rd 18 A&B pools; 18 holes; Par 55; 6,403 ft.
Veteran's Park - 33rd VPO 2ND rd 18 HOLES B pool; 18 holes; Par 56; 6,660 ft.
Harry Myers Disc Golf Course - DD Flex Start Friday; 18 holes; Par 61; 7,004 ft.
Veteran's Park - one round challenge 1/14/23; 18 holes; Par 54; 6,342 ft.
Veteran's Park - 32nd vpo am 18 holes round 1; 18 holes; Par 55; 6,481 ft.
Veteran's Park - 32nd vpo am 21 holes (ma2) Round 2; 21 holes; Par 66; 7,988 ft.
North Park - DDC FSF - Short Tees - 5/27/22; 18 holes; Par 55; 5,751 ft.
Bailey Lake Disc Golf Course - 18 holes regular tees; 18 holes; Par 55; 5,726 ft.
KR8om presents 34th Veterans Park Open powered by MINT Discs (AM weekend)B19-Oct to 20-Oct-2024MA40153961YesYes
KR8om presents 34th Veterans Park Open powered by MINT Discs (AM weekend)B19-Oct to 20-Oct-2024MA40271867YesNo
King of Saddle Hills VIC6-Oct-2024MA2153931YesYes
Dynamic Discs Flex Start Friday @ GatewayC4-Oct-2024MA2157926YesYes
KR8om presents 33rd Veterans Park Open powered by MINT disc (AM weekend)B21-Oct to 22-Oct-2023MA2157917YesYes
KR8om presents 33rd Veterans Park Open powered by MINT disc (AM weekend)B21-Oct to 22-Oct-2023MA2254962YesYes
Dynamic Discs Flex Start Friday @ Harry MyersC20-Oct-2023MA2159934YesYes
Chainwreck One Round Challenge @ VetsC14-Jan-2023MA2157942YesYes
KR8om presents 32nd Veterans Park Open powered by MINT DISCS (Am Weekend)B22-Oct to 23-Oct-2022MA2163897NoNo
KR8om presents 32nd Veterans Park Open powered by MINT DISCS (Am Weekend)B22-Oct to 23-Oct-2022MA2274918NoNo
Dynamic Discs Flex Start Friday @ North ParkC27-May-2022MA2154924NoNo
Battle of BurlesonC19-Mar-2022MA2155899NoNo