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Grant Yoder #199449

Grant Yoder #199449

Grant Yoder 199449's picture
Grant Yoder 199449's picture

Player Info

Player Statistics

2023 Season Totals


MPO · Mixed Pro Open2277.50$0
Pro Totals:2277.50$0


MA1 · Mixed Amateur 12611797.50
Am Totals:2611797.50

2023 Tournament Results

MPO · Mixed Pro Open

12162.50Emporia Spring PDGA LeagueL13-Mar to 15-May-2023
7115.00Emporia Fall LeagueL21-Aug to 25-Sep-2023

MA1 · Mixed Amateur 1

680.00That Fe Buhr ary Tournament sponsored by ProdigyC18-Feb-2023
255.00Olpe Lake OpenC26-Feb-2023
24202.50Midwest Collegiate Disc Golf Championship sponsored by Dynamic Discs - SinglesXB18-Mar to 19-Mar-2023
1382.50Midwest Collegiate Disc Golf Championship sponsored by Dynamic Discs - TeamsXB18-Mar to 19-Mar-2023
545.002nd Annual Spring Fling at The FarmC02-Apr-2023
23780.002023 College Disc Golf National Championship - DI - TeamXM05-Apr to 08-Apr-2023
303360.002023 College Disc Golf National Championship - DI - SinglesXM05-Apr to 08-Apr-2023
231240.00Dynamic Discs Glass Blown OpenA28-Apr to 30-Apr-2023
225.00Big Sioux Spit ThroughC13-May-2023
2460.00Lincoln Flying Disc Club Presents the 32nd Annual Star City Shootout Sponsored by Dynamic DiscsA19-May to 21-May-2023
230.002023 NADGT: C-Tier @ TuthillC28-May-2023
665.002023 Siouxland Cup Presented by Albatross Disc GolfC24-Jun-2023
197.50Sioux Falls OpenB08-Jul to 09-Jul-2023
2165.00Lewis & Clark OpenB15-Jul to 16-Jul-2023
925.002023 Mitchell OpenC22-Jul-2023
260.00The Jackrabbit Throwdown 4C29-Jul-2023
240.00Big SueC30-Jul-2023
1330.002023 Albatross ChampionshipB26-Aug to 27-Aug-2023
2330.00The 2023 Keeper of the Chains - Presented by: InnovaA16-Sep to 17-Sep-2023
4200.00Kansas Collegiate Disc Golf Tour - Pittsburg - TeamXC28-Oct-2023
6235.00Kansas Collegiate Disc Golf Tour - Pittsburg - SinglesXC28-Oct-2023
6270.00The Farm Path Tour Presents 3rd Annual Nevada Open Sponsored by DiscmaniaB04-Nov to 05-Nov-2023
3195.00Kansas Collegiate Disc Golf Tour - Lawrence - SinglesXC11-Nov-2023
2180.00Kansas Collegiate Disc Golf Tour - Lawrence - TeamXC11-Nov-2023
2130.00Kansas Collegiate Disc Golf Tour - Wichita - TeamXC02-Dec-2023
6115.00Kansas Collegiate Disc Golf Tour - Wichita - SinglesXC02-Dec-2023