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Jason Varelli #20174

Jason Varelli #20174

Player Info

Ratings Detail

Fox Chase - Blue - Longs; 18 holes; Par 58; 6,497 ft.
Fox Chase - Red - Shorts; 18 holes; Par 56; 5,074 ft.
Goat Island Disc Golf Course - King of the Island - Long Layout; 18 holes; Par 59; 5,851 ft.
Goat Island Disc Golf Course - King of the Island - Long Layout; 18 holes; Par 59; 5,851 ft.
Ft. Hamby Park - Ft Hamby Longs; 18 holes; Par 60; 5,538 ft.
Ft. Hamby Park - Ft. Hamby Shorts; 18 holes; Par 56; 4,095 ft.
Rolling Pines Disc Golf Course - Gold 24 Hole; 24 holes; Par 75; 9,465 ft.
Slappy’s RevengeC10-Dec-2022MA2173835YesYes
Slappy’s RevengeC10-Dec-2022MA2267791YesYes
King of the IslandC4-Dec-2022MA2173772YesYes
King of the IslandC4-Dec-2022MA2270802YesYes
Horror In The Hills 2022C22-Oct to 23-Oct-2022MA2176799YesYes
Horror In The Hills 2022C22-Oct to 23-Oct-2022MA2260829YesYes
Horror In The Hills 2022C22-Oct to 23-Oct-2022MA2397826YesYes