21 | 234.00 | Queen City Gambit Driven by Innova | B | 25-Mar to 26-Mar-2023 |
1 | 44.00 | Disc Golf for Good (CEP Charity - Rated) | XC | 22-Apr-2023 |
5 | 64.00 | Leashes Of Valor Classic: Presented by Chain Reactions | C | 06-May-2023 |
2 | 36.00 | Reedy3 presented by Play it Again Sports and Driven by Innova | B | 28-May-2023 |
5 | 52.00 | Who's Winning Winget | C | 10-Jun-2023 |
12 | 616.00 | DG1 Presents: Charlotte Amateur Championship | A | 16-Jun to 18-Jun-2023 |
6 | 64.00 | First Run Open | C | 15-Jul to 16-Jul-2023 |
10 | 168.00 | 9th Annual Echo Valley Open - Presented by Dayton Disc Golf - Sponsored by Christine Jennings Streetlight Realty & Discmania | B | 29-Jul to 30-Jul-2023 |
3 | 96.00 | ARDG Open | B | 12-Aug-2023 |
2 | 216.00 | 2023 North Cove Classic driven by Innova | B | 19-Aug to 20-Aug-2023 |
9 | 320.00 | Carolina Clash Presented by DGA | A | 29-Sep to 01-Oct-2023 |
2 | 104.00 | The Bradford Open Presented by Chris Hallberg State Farm Agency & Driven by Innova - MA2, MA3, FA1-3, MA50, MA55, MA60, MA65 | C | 11-Nov-2023 |
6 | 220.00 | The Charlotte Charity Classic (CEP Charity - Rated) | XC | 09-Dec to 10-Dec-2023 |