1 | 520.00 | LPDGC POOL B Session 1 | L | 03-May to 28-Jun-2023 |
15 | 410.00 | High Plains Challenge Sponsored by Discmania | A | 09-Jun to 11-Jun-2023 |
4 | 52.50 | Solstice Soirée Supported By Innova | B | 24-Jun to 25-Jun-2023 |
5 | 10.00 | Wet Hot American Thumber | C | 01-Jul to 02-Jul-2023 |
2 | 445.00 | LPDGC POOL B Session 2 | L | 05-Jul to 23-Aug-2023 |
2 | 65.00 | Huck Face BrOpen III Throwkyo Drift | C | 08-Jul to 09-Jul-2023 |
64 | 210.00 | Rocky Mountain Soda Company Presents: Rocky Mountain Amateur Championships Driven by Discmania | A | 21-Jul to 23-Jul-2023 |
9 | 97.50 | 2023 NADGT Exclusive @ Pioneer Park | B | 29-Jul-2023 |
16 | 52.50 | 2023 NADGT Exclusive @ Pessimist DGP | B | 30-Jul-2023 |
3 | 35.00 | LPDGC Sunday Fun Day Series Stop #5 | C | 20-Aug-2023 |
3 | 165.00 | Grossen Bart presents Lunacy XV Amateur Weekend sponsored by Play It Again Sports - Longmont | B | 30-Sep to 01-Oct-2023 |
9 | 65.00 | Boulder County Disc Golf Championships II supported by Innova | C | 28-Oct to 29-Oct-2023 |