16 | 0.00 | Dynamic Discs Presents: Frozen Fingers | C | 29-Jan-2022 |
2 | 54.00 | Flex Start at Northshore presented by The Disc Golf Dojo | C | 27-Mar-2022 |
2 | 21.00 | 2022 NADGT: C-Tier @ JBeast | C | 11-Jun-2022 |
25 | 330.00 | 2022 Midwest Amateur Championships | A | 22-Jul to 24-Jul-2022 |
2 | 40.50 | 2022 NADGT State Championship Series: Arkansas | B | 30-Jul to 31-Jul-2022 |
19 | 33.00 | Dynamic Discs NWA Presents: 6th Annual JBeast Classic | C | 13-Aug-2022 |
1 | 39.00 | Summer Flex Start at Waxhaws presented by The Disc Golf Dojo | C | 20-Aug-2022 |
2 | 60.00 | Waxhaws Warriors Driven by Innova | C | 21-Aug-2022 |
11 | 39.00 | Dynamic Discs NWA Presents: BEASTAPALOOZA | C | 17-Sep-2022 |
6 | 30.00 | Dynamic Discs NWA Presents: Washington County Doubles | XC | 08-Oct-2022 |
8 | 51.00 | Dynamic Discs NWA Presents: Horseshoe Canyon Revival | C | 19-Nov-2022 |
7 | 24.00 | Fall Flex Start at Creekside presented by The Disc Golf Dojo | C | 04-Dec-2022 |