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Adam Crawford #208329

Adam Crawford #208329

Adam Crawford 208329's picture
Adam Crawford 208329's picture

Player Info

Ratings Detail

Benbrook Ranch Park Disc Golf Course - Main/Shorts Mix; 18 holes; Par 61; 5,988 ft.
Benbrook Ranch Park Disc Golf Course - Main/Shorts Mix; 18 holes; Par 61; 5,988 ft.
Benbrook Ranch Park Disc Golf Course - Main/Shorts Mix; 18 holes; Par 61; 5,988 ft.
Benbrook Ranch Park Disc Golf Course - Main/Shorts Mix; 18 holes; Par 61; 5,988 ft.
Benbrook Ranch Park Disc Golf Course - Main/Shorts Mix; 18 holes; Par 61; 5,988 ft.
Benbrook Ranch Park Disc Golf Course - Main/Shorts Mix; 18 holes; Par 61; 5,988 ft.
Benbrook Ranch Park Disc Golf Course - Main/Shorts Mix Rd2,8; 18 holes; Par 61; 5,988 ft.
Cat Hollow Disc Golf Course - Default Layout; 18 holes; Par 56; 5,303 ft.
Cat Hollow Disc Golf Course - Default Layout; 18 holes; Par 56; 5,303 ft.
Benbrook Sunday LeagueL12-Jan to 2-Mar-2025MA40164872YesYes
Benbrook Sunday LeagueL12-Jan to 2-Mar-2025MA40368832YesYes
Benbrook Sunday LeagueL12-Jan to 2-Mar-2025MA40467842YesYes
Benbrook Sunday LeagueL12-Jan to 2-Mar-2025MA40563882YesYes
Benbrook Sunday LeagueL12-Jan to 2-Mar-2025MA40667842YesYes
Benbrook Sunday LeagueL12-Jan to 2-Mar-2025MA40766852YesYes
Benbrook Sunday LeagueL12-Jan to 2-Mar-2025MA40864895YesYes
2022 Carnage at the Cat - Driven by InnovaC12-Jun-2022MPO157891NoNo
2022 Carnage at the Cat - Driven by InnovaC12-Jun-2022MPO254925NoNo