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Tyler Maerz #208698

Tyler Maerz #208698

Player Info

Ratings Detail

West Fork Disc Golf Course - How the West Was Won 2022 ; 18 holes; Par 55; 6,264 ft.
Westcreek Disc Golf Course - How the West Was Won 2022 AM; 19 holes; Par 62; 7,669 ft.
West Fork Disc Golf Course - How the West Was Won 2022 Rd3; 18 holes; Par 55; 6,264 ft.
Rampart Disc Golf Course - J719 Flex Ams; 18 holes; Par 55; 5,449 ft.
How the West was Won Part 4B21-May to 22-May-2022MA3163827YesYes
How the West was Won Part 4B21-May to 22-May-2022MA3273824YesYes
How the West was Won Part 4B21-May to 22-May-2022MA3364845YesYes
Disc Revolution Rampart Flex Hosted by J719C1-May-2022MA3164787YesYes