Spencer Rice #208786
Spencer Rice #208786
Player Info
- Location: Keizer, Oregon, United States
- Classification: Professional
- Member Since: 2022
- Membership Status: Expired (as of 31-Dec-2024)
- Career Events: 22
- Career Wins: 5
- Career Earnings: $368.00
Player Statistics
2022 Season Totals
Division | Tournaments | Points | Prize |
MPO · Open | 2 | 65.00 | $69 |
Pro Totals: | 2 | 65.00 | $69 |
Division | Tournaments | Points |
MA1 · Advanced | 9 | 822.50 |
MA2 · Intermediate | 1 | 90.00 |
RAH · Blue | 3 | 205.00 |
RAE · Red | 1 | 100.50 |
Am Totals: | 14 | 1218.00 |
2022 Tournament Results
MPO · Open
Place | Points | Tournament | Tier | Dates | Prize |
2 | 30.00 | Kuhl Discs C-Tier #15 | C | 12-Nov-2022 | $69 |
10 | 35.00 | Stumptown Slosh @ Buxton | C | 10-Dec-2022 |
MA1 · Advanced
Place | Points | Tournament | Tier | Dates |
1 | 120.00 | Liquid Sunshine Open | B | 23-Apr to 24-Apr-2022 |
1 | 50.00 | Grand Opening at Skamania Lodge | C | 14-May-2022 |
2 | 200.00 | 2022 NADGT: Zanfel Premier Tour @ 4th Annual Cherryland DG Festival | A | 21-May to 22-May-2022 |
9 | 17.50 | Kuhl Discs Wheatland Weekley PDGA League | L | 14-Jun to 16-Aug-2022 |
5 | 20.00 | CE Discs presents Campus Crush Driven by Innova | C | 24-Jul-2022 |
11 | 60.00 | Pac-West Classic presented by Resistance Discs | B | 06-Aug to 07-Aug-2022 |
6 | 202.50 | Battle at Bachelor 2022! Presented by Bevel Craft Brewing | B | 13-Aug to 14-Aug-2022 |
11 | 82.50 | 2022 Calapooia Classic | B | 27-Aug to 28-Aug-2022 |
1 | 70.00 | Grit Discs Winter Series - Timber park | C | 17-Dec-2022 |
MA2 · Intermediate
Place | Points | Tournament | Tier | Dates |
1 | 90.00 | 2022 NADGT Exclusive @ Keizer #1 | B | 20-Mar-2022 |
RAH · Blue
Place | Points | Tournament | Tier | Dates |
2 | 57.50 | Cherryland's Mid-Week Weekly - Camp Taloali (#2) | L | 06-Apr to 25-May-2022 |
4 | 37.50 | Cherryland's Mid-Week Weekly - Keizer Rapids (#5) | L | 04-Oct to 08-Nov-2022 |
2 | 110.00 | Cherryland DG's 2022 Milo Yin-Yang Doubles presented by Oregon Disc Golf | XC | 11-Dec-2022 |
RAE · Red
Place | Points | Tournament | Tier | Dates |
1 | 100.50 | Cherryland's Mid-Week Weekly - Keizer Rapids (#1) | L | 23-Feb to 30-Mar-2022 |