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Walter Lopez Jr #210668

Walter Lopez Jr #210668

Player Info

Career Wins

10-Jun to 11-Jun-2023Myrtle Beach Disc Golf Championship Mixed Junior ≤15B
11-Mar-2023Bear & The Beast 2Mixed Junior ≤15C
25-Feb-2023Battle at the BeachMixed Junior ≤18C
11-Feb-2023The Conquest at Castle Hayne 2Mixed Junior ≤15C
24-Dec-2022Christmas Under the SocaTree II: Santa Strikes BackMixed Junior ≤15C
03-Jul-2022Sunflower OpenMixed Junior ≤15C
23-Apr-20222022 Stephen Capalbo Memorial JamMixed Junior ≤10C
26-Mar-2022SocaTree FeverMixed Junior ≤12C