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Alissa Clarke #210824

Alissa Clarke #210824

Player Info

Ratings Detail

Willow Springs Disc Golf Course - Reggies layout (willow +war memorial); 27 holes; Par 81; 7,837 ft.
Tye F. Cunningham Disc Golf Course - Longs - 3/10 Short; 18 holes; Par 55; 5,234 ft.
Tye F. Cunningham Disc Golf Course - Longs - 3/10 Short; 18 holes; Par 55; 5,234 ft.
Tye F. Cunningham Disc Golf Course - Odds Longs, Evens Shorts; 18 holes; Par 54; 5,417 ft.
Tye F. Cunningham Disc Golf Course - Odds Longs, Evens Shorts; 18 holes; Par 54; 5,417 ft.
The Farm Path Tour Presents Reggie's Radical RoundsC19-Jun-2022FA2199738YesYes
The 2022 Smokin' Pig Open Sponsored by Dynamic DiscsB23-Apr to 24-Apr-2022FA2187660YesYes
The 2022 Smokin' Pig Open Sponsored by Dynamic DiscsB23-Apr to 24-Apr-2022FA2281718YesYes
The Melt at Mitch Park Sponsored by Dynamic DiscsC26-Mar-2022FA2175721NoNo
The Melt at Mitch Park Sponsored by Dynamic DiscsC26-Mar-2022FA2282646NoNo