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Erik Rathgeber #215388

Erik Rathgeber #215388

Player Info

Ratings Detail

Cascade Sports Park - Tournament Layout FPO/AM DIVISIONS SUNDAY; 19 holes; Par 61; 6,158 ft.
Cascade Sports Park - Tournament Layout FPO/AM DIVISIONS SATURDAY; 19 holes; Par 59; 5,912 ft.
Cascade Sports Park - Tournament Layout FPO/AM DIVISIONS SATURDAY; 19 holes; Par 59; 5,912 ft.
Eagle Island State Park - BPO 2024; 19 holes; Par 67; 6,804 ft.
Eagle Island State Park - BPO 2024; 19 holes; Par 67; 6,804 ft.
Eagle Island State Park - BPO 2024; 19 holes; Par 67; 6,804 ft.
Ann Morrison Park - Bronco Bash 2 - Presented by Idio; 18 holes; Par 56; 5,682 ft.
Ann Morrison Park - Bronco Bash 2 - Presented by Idio; 18 holes; Par 56; 5,682 ft.
Eagle Hills ULI; 20 holes; Par 62; 7,030 ft.
Eagle Hills ULI; 20 holes; Par 62; 7,030 ft.
Three Island Crossing State Park - Default Layout; 18 holes; Par 56; 5,019 ft.
Three Island Crossing State Park - Default Layout; 18 holes; Par 56; 5,019 ft.
Eagle Island State Park - Baked potato 2023; 19 holes; Par 64; 7,500 ft.
Eagle Island State Park - Baked potato 2023; 19 holes; Par 64; 7,500 ft.
Eagle Island State Park - Baked potato 2023; 19 holes; Par 64; 7,500 ft.
Rock Creek Park - Rock Creek Canyon Cup Layout; 18 holes; Par 59; 5,349 ft.
Rock Creek Park - Rock Creek Canyon Cup Layout; 18 holes; Par 59; 5,349 ft.
Three Island Crossing State Park - Default Layout; 18 holes; Par 55; 5,006 ft.
Three Island Crossing State Park - Default Layout; 18 holes; Par 55; 5,006 ft.
Kuna Disc Golf Course - Default Layout; 18 holes; Par 54; 6,500 ft.
Cascade Birds of PreyB5-Oct to 6-Oct-2024MA40377759YesYes
Cascade Birds of PreyB5-Oct to 6-Oct-2024MA40281726YesYes
Cascade Birds of PreyB5-Oct to 6-Oct-2024MA40183693YesNo
McU Sports Baked Potato Open XXVII - Brought to you by Innova Champion Discs, & Disc Golf IdahoB14-Jun to 16-Jun-2024MA40381756YesYes
McU Sports Baked Potato Open XXVII - Brought to you by Innova Champion Discs, & Disc Golf IdahoB14-Jun to 16-Jun-2024MA40285720YesYes
McU Sports Baked Potato Open XXVII - Brought to you by Innova Champion Discs, & Disc Golf IdahoB14-Jun to 16-Jun-2024MA40181756YesYes
Bronco Bash 2 - Presented by Idio SportsC24-Feb-2024MA40171739YesYes
Bronco Bash 2 - Presented by Idio SportsC24-Feb-2024MA40270751YesYes
The Ulibarri SafariB10-Feb to 11-Feb-2024MA40184746YesYes
The Ulibarri SafariB10-Feb to 11-Feb-2024MA40282764YesYes
2023 NADGT Exclusive @ Three IslandB17-Jun-2023MA40165734NoNo
2023 NADGT Exclusive @ Three IslandB17-Jun-2023MA40266721NoNo
McU Sports Baked Potato Open XXVI - Supported by Innova Champion Discs B9-Jun to 11-Jun-2023MA40384746NoNo
McU Sports Baked Potato Open XXVI - Supported by Innova Champion Discs B9-Jun to 11-Jun-2023MA40286728NoNo
McU Sports Baked Potato Open XXVI - Supported by Innova Champion Discs B9-Jun to 11-Jun-2023MA40182763NoNo
Rock Creek Canyon Cup presented by Legacy DiscsC13-Aug-2022MA40273764NoNo
Rock Creek Canyon Cup presented by Legacy DiscsC13-Aug-2022MA40177723NoNo
2022 NADGT Exclusive-Crossing the SnakeB18-Jun-2022MA40170695NoNo
2022 NADGT Exclusive-Crossing the SnakeB18-Jun-2022MA40269707NoNo
2022 sanctioned League #1L11-Apr to 23-May-2022MA4782670NoNo