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Brad Petersen #218107

Brad Petersen #218107

Brad Petersen 218107's picture
Brad Petersen 218107's picture

Player Info

Ratings Detail

Marquette Park Disc Golf Course - default layout; 20 holes; Par 63; 5,490 ft.
Marquette Park Disc Golf Course - default layout; 20 holes; Par 63; 5,490 ft.
Forsythe Park - RR#4 Forsythe Fling Lowers(MA3, MA2, MA40FA1); 21 holes; Par 68; 7,039 ft.
Forsythe Park - RR#4 Forsythe Fling Lowers(MA3, MA2, MA40FA1); 21 holes; Par 68; 7,039 ft.
River's Edge Park - Default Layout; 21 holes; Par 66; 5,654 ft.
Matt Lovasko Disc Golf Course at Riverside Park - Battle of the River 3; 20 holes; Par 63; 5,999 ft.
MA1, MA2, MA40; 18 holes; Par 55; 5,414 ft.
Pool P: Kennel Lake - Kennel Lake; 18 holes; Par 59; 6,749 ft.
Pool Q: Youth Acres - Youth Acres; 18 holes; Par 60; 6,228 ft.
Pool P: Megiddo Disc Golf Course - Westwood; 18 holes; Par 56; 5,764 ft.
Pool Q: Kennel Lake - Kennel Lake; 18 holes; Par 59; 6,749 ft.
Pool P: Youth Acres - Youth Acres; 18 holes; Par 60; 6,228 ft.
Pool Q: Megiddo Disc Golf Course - Westwood; 18 holes; Par 56; 5,764 ft.
Kesling Park - 2024 LaPorte County Open; 18 holes; Par 54; 5,272 ft.
Hidden Lake Disc Golf Course - MP50 MA40 MA2 MA3; 21 holes; Par 73; 7,594 ft.
Hidden Lake Disc Golf Course - MP50 MA40 MA2 MA3; 21 holes; Par 73; 7,594 ft.
Marquette Park Disc Golf Course - default layout; 20 holes; Par 63; 5,950 ft.
Marquette Park Disc Golf Course - default layout; 20 holes; Par 63; 5,950 ft.
Purdue Northwest - University Open short 19; 21 holes; Par 67; 6,762 ft.
Purdue Northwest - University Open short 19; 21 holes; Par 67; 6,762 ft.
Purdue Northwest - Regular Layout - 17 plays long; 18 holes; Par 56; 5,952 ft.
Rogers Lakewood Park - Valpo Champs Lowers; 19 holes; Par 61; 6,247 ft.
Rogers Lakewood Park - Valpo Champs Lowers; 19 holes; Par 61; 6,247 ft.
Marquette Park Disc Golf Course - Tournament; 21 holes; Par 66; 6,271 ft.
Marquette Park Disc Golf Course - Tournament; 21 holes; Par 66; 6,271 ft.
Countryside Park - Main layout; 21 holes; Par 68; 6,336 ft.
Countryside Park - Main layout; 21 holes; Par 68; 6,336 ft.
River's Edge Park - july 15th ; 21 holes; Par 64; 5,336 ft.
River's Edge Park - july 15th ; 21 holes; Par 64; 5,336 ft.
Freedom Park - ALL OTHER DIVISIONS Rd2; 20 holes; Par 65; 6,247 ft.
Freedom Park - ALL OTHER DIVISIONS; 20 holes; Par 65; 6,247 ft.
Hidden Lake Disc Golf Course - 2023 Rumble Havoc Bravo; 22 holes; Par 71; 6,803 ft.
Hidden Lake Disc Golf Course - 2023 Rumble Havoc Bravo; 22 holes; Par 71; 6,803 ft.
Purdue Northwest - University Open short 19; 21 holes; Par 67; 6,777 ft.
Purdue Northwest - University Open short 19; 21 holes; Par 67; 6,777 ft.
Kesling Park - Tournament Layout; 18 holes; Par 57; 5,545 ft.
Kesling Park - Tournament Layout; 18 holes; Par 57; 5,545 ft.
Default Layout; 18 holes; Par 58; 5,495 ft.
Trinity Links - Werk Force Brewing Open 4 Layout; 18 holes; Par 55; 5,374 ft.
Trinity Links - Werk Force Brewing Open 4 Layout; 18 holes; Par 55; 5,374 ft.
Purdue Northwest - Mayb 21 holes short 19; 21 holes; Par 66; 6,642 ft.
Purdue Northwest - Mayb 21 holes short 19; 21 holes; Par 66; 6,642 ft.
NWI Club Challenge & TournamentC29-Sep-2024MA2260883YesYes
NWI Club Challenge & TournamentC29-Sep-2024MA2156929YesYes
RR#4: Forsythe Fling C22-Sep-2024MA2267914YesYes
RR#4: Forsythe Fling C22-Sep-2024MA2167914YesYes
Battle on the River 3C8-Sep-2024MA2265886YesYes
Battle on the River 3C8-Sep-2024MA2162859YesYes
Blueberry Festival Flex on Labor Day Sponsored by Michiana Pro ShopC2-Sep-2024MA2156894YesYes
Discraft's Ledgestone OpenA2-Aug to 4-Aug-2024MA2172820YesNo
Discraft's Ledgestone OpenA2-Aug to 4-Aug-2024MA2262869YesYes
Discraft's Ledgestone OpenA2-Aug to 4-Aug-2024MA2366903YesYes
2024 LaPorte County Open at Kesling ParkC25-Jun-2024MA2155876YesYes
RR#2 Anthony Stahl MemorialC23-Jun-2024MA2167932YesYes
RR#2 Anthony Stahl MemorialC23-Jun-2024MA2271898YesYes
Marquette Spring ClassicC8-May-2024MA2261842YesYes
Marquette Spring ClassicC8-May-2024MA2154927YesYes
RR#1: University Open C28-Apr-2024MA2264907YesYes
RR#1: University Open C28-Apr-2024MA2161937YesYes
#StrongLikeLex FlexC2-Mar-2024MA2153921YesYes
RR#7 Valpo Champs C7-Oct-2023MA3160943YesYes
RR#7 Valpo Champs C7-Oct-2023MA3262924YesYes
Lakeshore Challenge II C16-Sep-2023MA3259919NoNo
Lakeshore Challenge II C16-Sep-2023MA3158930NoNo
Portage ThrowdownC12-Aug-2023MA3165909NoNo
Portage ThrowdownC12-Aug-2023MA3267890NoNo
living on the edge 2C15-Jul-2023MA3262899NoNo
living on the edge 2C15-Jul-2023MA3163888NoNo
RR#3 Freedom FlingC3-Jun-2023MA3266907NoNo
RR#3 Freedom FlingC3-Jun-2023MA3165870NoNo
Hidden Lake Havoc Region Rumble #2 C13-May-2023MA3174847NoNo
Hidden Lake Havoc Region Rumble #2 C13-May-2023MA3271876NoNo
RR#1 The University OpenC30-Apr-2023MA3273823NoNo
RR#1 The University OpenC30-Apr-2023MA3168873NoNo
La Porte LaunchC2-Oct-2022MA4255866NoNo
La Porte LaunchC2-Oct-2022MA4154878NoNo
Lakeshore Challenge C3-Aug-2022MA4160867NoNo
Werk Force Brewing Open 4C14-May to 15-May-2022MA4258866NoNo
Werk Force Brewing Open 4C14-May to 15-May-2022MA4161831NoNo
RR#1 May-b OpenB1-May-2022MA3175797NoNo
RR#1 May-b OpenB1-May-2022MA3270847NoNo