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Chad Pharis #219556

Chad Pharis #219556

Player Info

Ratings Detail

Kayak Point - Blue - Blue 1-12 + 18; 13 holes; Par 42; 4,917 ft.
Kayak Point - Red - RED; 18 holes; Par 65; 8,202 ft.
Kayak Point - Gold - Gold; 18 holes; Par 60; 10,167 ft.
Kayak Point - Pitch and Putt - Default Layout; 18 holes; Par 36; 1,372 ft.
South Fork Disc Golf Course - Default Layout; 18 holes; Par 55; 6,059 ft.
South Fork Disc Golf Course - Default Layout; 18 holes; Par 55; 6,059 ft.
North Seatac Disc Golf Course - Sunday Flex 27; 27 holes; Par 89; 10,185 ft.
Throwchella Presented by Infinite DiscsC12-Aug to 13-Aug-2023MA2153887YesYes
Throwchella Presented by Infinite DiscsC12-Aug to 13-Aug-2023MA2258939YesYes
Throwchella Presented by Infinite DiscsC12-Aug to 13-Aug-2023MA2372909YesYes
Throwchella Presented by Infinite DiscsC12-Aug to 13-Aug-2023MA2439909YesYes
South Fork Tuesdays Fall LeagueL4-Oct to 8-Nov-2022MA2154907YesYes
South Fork Tuesdays Fall LeagueL4-Oct to 8-Nov-2022MA2257871YesYes
Sunday Flex at SeaTacC14-Aug-2022MA21101881YesYes