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Daniel Ingersoll #220272

Daniel Ingersoll #220272

Player Info

Ratings Detail

Eagle Ridge Park at Civic Center - Default Layout With new B pins; 18 holes; Par 54; 4,897 ft.
Eagle Ridge Park at Civic Center - Shorts with current B pins; 18 holes; Par 54; 4,846 ft.
Eagle Ridge Park at Civic Center - Eagle Ridge Shorts; 18 holes; Par 54; 4,931 ft.
Eagle Ridge Park at Civic Center - Mixed Layout; 18 holes; Par 56; 5,293 ft.
Hayden's last stand flexC21-Jul-2023MA4157846YesYes
Every Fourth FLEXC7-Jul-2023MA4159809YesYes
Flexing on FridayC9-Sep-2022MA4162767YesYes
Friday Funday Flex StartC5-Aug-2022MA4169752YesYes