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Christina Davis #220529

Christina Davis #220529

Player Info

Ratings Detail

Bellevue State Park - Shorts; 18 holes; Par 54; 4,240 ft.
Bellevue State Park - Shorts; 18 holes; Par 54; 4,240 ft.
Bellevue State Park - Short; 18 holes; Par 54; 4,240 ft.
Bellevue State Park - Short; 18 holes; Par 54; 4,240 ft.
Tranquility Trails - Birdie Presents: Back in the Saddle - Short tees; 18 holes; Par 62; 5,078 ft.
Tranquility Trails - Birdie Presents: Back in the Saddle - Short tees; 18 holes; Par 62; 5,078 ft.
White Clay Creek State Park - Birdie Presents: Woodchuck '24; 18 holes; Par 54; 5,116 ft.
White Clay Creek State Park - Birdie Presents: Woodchuck '24; 18 holes; Par 54; 5,116 ft.
White Clay Creek State Park - Default Layout; 18 holes; Par 54; 5,084 ft.
White Clay Creek State Park - Default Layout; 18 holes; Par 54; 5,084 ft.
Broken Chains Disc Golf Course - Basket Case - other ams; 18 holes; Par 58; 5,970 ft.
White Clay Creek State Park - Birdie Presents: The Woodchuck 2023; 18 holes; Par 54; 5,116 ft.
White Clay Creek State Park - Birdie Presents: The Woodchuck 2023; 18 holes; Par 54; 5,116 ft.
Bellevue State Park - Birdie Presents: The Bellevue Bash - shorts; 18 holes; Par 54; 4,240 ft.
Bellevue State Park - Birdie Presents: The Bellevue Bash - shorts; 18 holes; Par 54; 4,240 ft.