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Ashley Davis #222998

Ashley Davis #222998

Player Info

Ratings Detail

Rock Ridge Park DGC - 2024 Basket Bashers Amateur Tour - Short Tees Rd2; 18 holes; Par 65; 5,217 ft.
Rock Ridge Park DGC - 2024 Basket Bashers Amateur Tour - Short Tees; 18 holes; Par 65; 5,217 ft.
Jones Park - Jones Park White Layout - Exception 8, 16, and 18 Blue Tee Pads; 19 holes; Par 59; 5,712 ft.
Jones Park - Jones Park White Layout - Exception 8, 16, and 18 Blue Tee Pads; 19 holes; Par 59; 5,712 ft.
Valley Springs Park - White tees to short baskets; 22 holes; Par 67; 5,533 ft.
Valley Springs Park - Red (1-18) White four more; 22 holes; Par 67; 4,569 ft.
Valley Springs Park - White tees to short baskets; 22 holes; Par 67; 5,533 ft.
UNC Chapel Hill - 2023 THO; 18 holes; Par 57; 5,904 ft.
UNC Chapel Hill - 2023 THO; 18 holes; Par 57; 5,904 ft.
Forest Hills Open White; 18 holes; Par 59; 6,155 ft.
Forest Hills Open White; 18 holes; Par 59; 6,155 ft.
North Asheboro Park - AM Layout; 18 holes; Par 54; 4,428 ft.
North Asheboro Park - AM Layout; 18 holes; Par 54; 4,428 ft.
Middle Creek High School - Beast of Easter Longs; 19 holes; Par 57; 5,176 ft.
Middle Creek High School - Beast of Easter Shorts; 19 holes; Par 57; 4,899 ft.
Cedar Hills Rotary Park - CADL Tags - Long Tees except #7, #10, #18 ; 18 holes; Par 55; 7,542 ft.
Cedar Hills Rotary Park - CADL Tags - Long Tees except #7, #10, #18 ; 18 holes; Par 55; 7,542 ft.
UNC Chapel Hill - Default Layout; 22 holes; Par 67; 5,918 ft.
UNC Chapel Hill - Default Layout; 22 holes; Par 67; 5,918 ft.
Cedar Hills Rotary Park - The Cedar Hills Championship Long-Long; 18 holes; Par 55; 5,535 ft.
Rockness Monster - 21 Hole Layout (Excluding 19); 21 holes; Par 66; 6,252 ft.
Rockness Monster - White 18 Holes ; 18 holes; Par 54; 4,876 ft.
Valley Springs Park - Big Valley All-Star; 18 holes; Par 57; 4,834 ft.
Valley Springs Park - Blue-Blue Four more; 22 holes; Par 73; 7,533 ft.
Valley Springs Park - White tees to short baskets; 22 holes; Par 67; 5,533 ft.
Valley Springs Park - Red (1-18); 18 holes; Par 54; 3,347 ft.
MVP Disc Sports Presents: Basket Bashers NC Amateur Tour - Rock RidgeB4-May-2024FA1270834YesYes
MVP Disc Sports Presents: Basket Bashers NC Amateur Tour - Rock RidgeB4-May-2024FA1172788YesYes
CADL and Huck Wear Presents: Huck Be A Lady - Powered by ProdigyC29-Jul-2023FA1165830YesYes
CADL and Huck Wear Presents: Huck Be A Lady - Powered by ProdigyC29-Jul-2023FA1271764YesYes
Basket Bashers Disc Golf Presents: The 2023 Big Valley Challenge Sponsored by Motorco Music HallB10-Jun to 11-Jun-2023FA1276789YesYes
Basket Bashers Disc Golf Presents: The 2023 Big Valley Challenge Sponsored by Motorco Music HallB10-Jun to 11-Jun-2023FA1166837YesYes
Basket Bashers Disc Golf Presents: The 2023 Big Valley Challenge Sponsored by Motorco Music HallB10-Jun to 11-Jun-2023FA1374810YesYes
Brixx Pizza and Kirsch Lending present the 22nd Annual Tar Heel OpenB3-Jun to 4-Jun-2023FA2264834YesYes
Brixx Pizza and Kirsch Lending present the 22nd Annual Tar Heel OpenB3-Jun to 4-Jun-2023FA2164834YesYes
Basket Bashers Disc Golf Presents: The 2023 Forest Hills Open Sponsored by Beer StudyC6-May to 7-May-2023FA1172770YesYes
Basket Bashers Disc Golf Presents: The 2023 Forest Hills Open Sponsored by Beer StudyC6-May to 7-May-2023FA1279698YesNo
Zoo City Open 2023 - Powered by ProdigyC30-Apr-2023FA1256841NoNo
Zoo City Open 2023 - Powered by ProdigyC30-Apr-2023FA1163749NoNo
2nd Annual Beast of EasterC22-Apr-2023FA3269798NoNo
2nd Annual Beast of EasterC22-Apr-2023FA3165817NoNo
CADL Presents: The 2023 Cedar Hills Championship sponsored by Basket BashersB8-Apr to 9-Apr-2023FA3165851NoNo
CADL Presents: The 2023 Cedar Hills Championship sponsored by Basket BashersB8-Apr to 9-Apr-2023FA3264861NoNo
MVP Disc Sports Presents: Basket Bashers Amateur Tour - UNCC19-Mar-2023FA3276792NoNo
MVP Disc Sports Presents: Basket Bashers Amateur Tour - UNCC19-Mar-2023FA3175802NoNo
Fit Inspired Giving: Cancer SucksC3-Jul-2022FA3171742NoNo
Star Frame Showdown @ Rockness MonsterC25-Jun-2022FA3188701NoNo
Star Frame Showdown @ Rockness MonsterC25-Jun-2022FA3272662NoNo
Big Valley ChallengeB4-Jun to 5-Jun-2022FA3469751NoNo
Big Valley ChallengeB4-Jun to 5-Jun-2022FA31100742NoNo
Big Valley ChallengeB4-Jun to 5-Jun-2022FA3376782NoNo
Big Valley ChallengeB4-Jun to 5-Jun-2022FA3256768NoNo