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Patrick Waibel #224051

Patrick Waibel #224051

Player Info

Ratings Detail

Harmony Bends Disc Golf at Strawn Park - Blue Tees 3,5,7,12,15,17 Gold; 18 holes; Par 68; 9,239 ft.
Albert Oakland Park, Upper (Top) - Oakland Top ; 18 holes; Par 54; 4,769 ft.
Albert Oakland Park, Lower (Bottom) - Oakland Bottom G & T; 18 holes; Par 57; 6,185 ft.
Harmony Bends Disc Golf at Strawn Park - Harmony Bends White Tees; 18 holes; Par 68; 8,257 ft.
Harmony Bends Disc Golf at Strawn Park - Harmony Bends White Tees; 18 holes; Par 68; 8,257 ft.
Holts Summit Greenway Park Disc Golf Course - Summit Yellow 19; 19 holes; Par 63; 6,070 ft.
Joseph C. Miller Disc Golf Course - Miller Pink; 18 holes; Par 57; 5,854 ft.
The Dam Course at Binder Park - Dam; 18 holes; Par 63; 7,379 ft.
Rosedale Park (Up Top) - Rosedale all pools; 18 holes; Par 57; 6,286 ft.
Water Works Park - Water Works all pools; 18 holes; Par 57; 6,390 ft.
Bad Rock Creek Disc Golf Course - BRC B/C Pools; 18 holes; Par 58; 6,185 ft.
Harmony Bends Disc Golf at Strawn Park - White Tees; 18 holes; Par 68; 8,153 ft.
Acker's Acres - The Twisted - Battle of the 7Cs; 18 holes; Par 62; 6,116 ft.
Acker's Acres - The Wicked - Battle of the 7Cs; 18 holes; Par 60; 5,735 ft.
Sideshow Disc Golf; 18 holes; Par 55; 4,626 ft.
Albert Oakland Park, Lower (Bottom) - Oakland Bottom 2024; 18 holes; Par 58; 6,376 ft.
Harmony Bends Disc Golf at Strawn Park - Blue to Gold Pins; 18 holes; Par 68; 9,603 ft.
Harmony Bends Disc Golf at Strawn Park - Blue Mixed Gold; 18 holes; Par 68; 9,351 ft.
Albert Oakland Park, Lower (Bottom) - MAO24 Layout; 18 holes; Par 58; 6,376 ft.
The Dam Course at Binder Park - ADD 24; 18 holes; Par 62; 7,322 ft.
The Dam Course at Binder Park - ADD 24; 18 holes; Par 62; 7,322 ft.
Harmony Bends Disc Golf at Strawn Park - Blue Tees; 18 holes; Par 68; 8,911 ft.
Bad Rock Creek Disc Golf Course - BRC B Sun; 18 holes; Par 67; 8,433 ft.
Paradise Pointe - Blackthorn - Black Thorn A/B Sat; 18 holes; Par 58; 6,317 ft.
Paradise Pointe - Woodhenge - Woodhenge A/B Sat; 18 holes; Par 63; 7,547 ft.
Bad Rock Creek Disc Golf Course - BRC A/B Fri; 18 holes; Par 61; 7,312 ft.
Sabattus Disc Golf - Eagle - Springles Eagle; 18 holes; Par 67; 6,985 ft.
Albert Oakland Park, Lower (Bottom) - Rendezvous Bottom Extended Layout; 18 holes; Par 63; 7,190 ft.
Albert Oakland Park, Lower (Bottom) - Oakland Rendezvous; 18 holes; Par 57; 6,147 ft.
Albert Oakland Park, Lower (Bottom) - Oakland Golds; 18 holes; Par 68; 9,210 ft.
Nancee H. Waibel Memorial Disc Golf Course - River City Open Longs (2023); 18 holes; Par 58; 5,459 ft.
Dragan Field - Talon - Talon (Short Odds); 18 holes; Par 56; 5,242 ft.
Dragan Field - Talon - Talon (Long Odds); 18 holes; Par 57; 5,342 ft.
Nancee H. Waibel Memorial Disc Golf Course - River City Open Longs (2023); 18 holes; Par 58; 5,459 ft.
Nancee H. Waibel Memorial Disc Golf Course - River City Open Longs (2023); 18 holes; Par 58; 5,459 ft.
Albert Oakland Park, Lower (Bottom) - Battle at the Bottom- Stretched; 18 holes; Par 60; 6,700 ft.
Albert Oakland Park, Lower (Bottom) - Battle at the Bottom- Stretched; 18 holes; Par 60; 6,700 ft.
Brookfield Disc Golf Course - Brookfield Open; 18 holes; Par 56; 5,419 ft.
Brookfield Disc Golf Course - Brookfield Open; 18 holes; Par 56; 5,419 ft.
Nancee H. Waibel Memorial Disc Golf Course - Default; 18 holes; Par 54; 4,218 ft.
Harmony Bends Disc Golf at Strawn Park - Harmony Bends Red Tees; 18 holes; Par 68; 6,230 ft.
Albert Oakland Park, Lower (Bottom) - Oakland Back/Lower MAO 22 Am and Pro Masters; 18 holes; Par 55; 5,702 ft.
Brookfield Disc Golf Course - Default Layout; 18 holes; Par 55; 5,156 ft.
Brookfield Disc Golf Course - Default Layout; 18 holes; Par 55; 5,156 ft.
Rendezvous Finale sponsored by Grow and ThrowC5-Oct-2024MA1180885YesYes
Grow & Throw '24 Fall Sanctioned LeagueL20-Sep to 1-Nov-2024MA2549934YesYes
Grow & Throw '24 Fall Sanctioned LeagueL20-Sep to 1-Nov-2024MA2357910YesYes
Grow & Throw '24 Fall Sanctioned LeagueL20-Sep to 1-Nov-2024MA2274874YesYes
Grow & Throw '24 Fall Sanctioned LeagueL20-Sep to 1-Nov-2024MA2178841YesYes
17th Annual Jefferson City Open Supported by InnovaB31-Aug to 1-Sep-2024MA2373834YesYes
17th Annual Jefferson City Open Supported by InnovaB31-Aug to 1-Sep-2024MA2261857YesYes
17th Annual Jefferson City Open Supported by InnovaB31-Aug to 1-Sep-2024MA2162935YesYes
DGMT - GRIPeq 42nd Kansas City Wide Open Presented by DFX Discs (Masters/Ams)A9-Aug to 11-Aug-2024MA2161881YesYes
DGMT - GRIPeq 42nd Kansas City Wide Open Presented by DFX Discs (Masters/Ams)A9-Aug to 11-Aug-2024MA2360911YesYes
DGMT - GRIPeq 42nd Kansas City Wide Open Presented by DFX Discs (Masters/Ams)A9-Aug to 11-Aug-2024MA2260932YesYes
Rendezvous at Harmony Bends II sponsored by Grow and ThrowC3-Aug-2024MA2166951YesYes
Battle of the 7 C's Acker's AcresC27-Jul-2024MA2264882YesYes
Battle of the 7 C's Acker's AcresC27-Jul-2024MA2154940YesYes
Circle 1 Flex @ SideshowC26-Jul-2024MA2156871YesYes
40th Anniversary Mid America Open Pro/Am presented by DiscraftA28-Jun to 30-Jun-2024MA1265880YesYes
40th Anniversary Mid America Open Pro/Am presented by DiscraftA28-Jun to 30-Jun-2024MA1382903YesYes
40th Anniversary Mid America Open Pro/Am presented by DiscraftA28-Jun to 30-Jun-2024MA1181902YesYes
Tako Truck Flex at Albert Oakland sponsored by Lone Star Disc C26-Jun-2024MA1161921YesYes
All Dam Day - Supported by InnovaC22-Jun-2024MA2164912YesYes
All Dam Day - Supported by InnovaC22-Jun-2024MA2260949YesYes
Rendezvous at Harmony Bends sponsored by Grow and ThrowC15-Jun-2024MA1174918YesYes
Kansas City Flying Disc Challenge presented by DiscmaniaA7-Jun to 9-Jun-2024MA1480867YesYes
Kansas City Flying Disc Challenge presented by DiscmaniaA7-Jun to 9-Jun-2024MA1364888YesYes
Kansas City Flying Disc Challenge presented by DiscmaniaA7-Jun to 9-Jun-2024MA1265924YesYes
Kansas City Flying Disc Challenge presented by DiscmaniaA7-Jun to 9-Jun-2024MA1170882YesYes
S'More Springles 2024L3-Jun to 29-Jul-2024MA2965908YesYes
Rendezvous at Oakland II sponsored by Grow and ThrowC5-May-2024MA1163915YesYes
Rendezvous at Oakland sponsored by Grow and ThrowC6-Apr-2024MA1160909YesYes
Grow and Throw Presents Oakland Golds v2.0C2-Dec-2023MA2176904YesYes
Boonville FlexStart Fundraiser C4-Nov-2023MA2158876YesYes
Talon Championship sponsored by Dynamic DiscsC19-Aug-2023MA2258899NoNo
Talon Championship sponsored by Dynamic DiscsC19-Aug-2023MA2165855NoNo
Boonville OpenC1-Jul-2023MA2265816NoNo
Boonville OpenC1-Jul-2023MA2153948NoNo
Battle at the Bottom Presented by Grow and ThrowC11-Jun-2023MA3167841NoNo
Battle at the Bottom Presented by Grow and ThrowC11-Jun-2023MA3259920NoNo
Brookfield OpenC3-Jun-2023MA2253866NoNo
Brookfield OpenC3-Jun-2023MA2152880NoNo
Huck-E FlexC29-Oct-2022MA2149914NoNo
Mid America Open 2022 -AM Divisions and Pro Masters DivisionsB8-Oct to 9-Oct-2022MA3272812NoNo
Mid America Open 2022 -AM Divisions and Pro Masters DivisionsB8-Oct to 9-Oct-2022MA3159877NoNo
Brookfield ChallengeC18-Jun-2022MA2157834NoNo
Brookfield ChallengeC18-Jun-2022MA2255860NoNo