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Cameron Boucher #224739

Cameron Boucher #224739

Player Info

Ratings Detail

Bellevue State Park - Birdie Presents: The Turducken - Short; 18 holes; Par 54; 4,240 ft.
Bellevue State Park - Birdie Presents: The Turducken - Short; 18 holes; Par 54; 4,240 ft.
Brandywine Creek State Park - Gold layout, Par 56, 7685ft; 18 holes; Par 56; 7,685 ft.
Brandywine Creek State Park - Silver layout, Par 55, 6145ft; 18 holes; Par 55; 6,145 ft.
Birdie Presents: The TurduckenC20-Nov-2022MA3152907YesYes
Birdie Presents: The TurduckenC20-Nov-2022MA3254881YesYes
2nd Annual Chump of the BumpC16-Jul-2022MA3166844YesYes
2nd Annual Chump of the BumpC16-Jul-2022MA3253901YesYes