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Cade Bramlet #224869

Cade Bramlet #224869

Player Info

Ratings Detail

Mackenzie Park - Original - BAB Mackenzie Park Shorts (C Pool); 18 holes; Par 57; 6,032 ft.
Children's Home of Lubbock - BAB 2022 - Children's Home of Lubbock (C Pool); 18 holes; Par 57; 5,602 ft.
Mae Simmons Park Disc Golf - BAB 2022 - Mae Simmons; 18 holes; Par 57; 5,712 ft.
Dynamic Discs Presents the 30th Annual Big Arms on the BrazosB16-Jul to 17-Jul-2022MA2165802YesYes
Dynamic Discs Presents the 30th Annual Big Arms on the BrazosB16-Jul to 17-Jul-2022MA2263853YesYes
Dynamic Discs Presents the 30th Annual Big Arms on the BrazosB16-Jul to 17-Jul-2022MA2362894YesYes