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Mike Storrs #22633

Mike Storrs #22633

Player Info

Player Statistics

2004 Season Totals


MA1 · Advanced101745.00
Am Totals:101745.00

2004 Tournament Results

MA1 · Advanced

2345.00Great Northwest OpenB08-May to 09-May-2004
9262.50Riverbend OpenB22-May to 23-May-2004
11155.00Whistlers Bend Doubles ShootoutXC29-May to 30-May-2004
3100.00Hyzer Desert OpenC12-Jun to 13-Jun-2004
670.00Tall Timber OpenC10-Jul to 11-Jul-2004
380.00Simpson Summer SlingC31-Jul to 01-Aug-2004
1155.00Full Sail Shasta ShootoutC07-Aug to 08-Aug-2004
7360.00Beaver State FlingA28-Aug to 29-Aug-2004
9232.50Eugene CelebrationB11-Sep to 12-Sep-2004
1185.00Willamette OpenC02-Oct to 03-Oct-2004