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Joshua Gibbons #226699

Joshua Gibbons #226699

Player Info

Ratings Detail

Grandpa's Pond Disc Golf Course - Open Layout (MPO MP40 MP50 MA1 MA40 MA50); 18 holes; Par 57; 6,534 ft.
Grandpa's Pond Disc Golf Course - Open Layout (MPO MP40 MP50 MA1 MA40 MA50); 18 holes; Par 57; 6,534 ft.
Davis Technical College Disc Golf - DTO ; 27 holes; Par 81; 7,828 ft.
Davis Technical College Disc Golf - DTO ; 27 holes; Par 81; 7,828 ft.
5th Annual Infinite Discs Red Rock ClassicB4-Nov to 5-Nov-2022MA40170812NoNo
5th Annual Infinite Discs Red Rock ClassicB4-Nov to 5-Nov-2022MA40268832NoNo
2022 Davis Tech OpenC24-Sep-2022MA40180868NoNo
2022 Davis Tech OpenC24-Sep-2022MA40281859NoNo