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Tommy Hanson #230184

Tommy Hanson #230184

Player Info

Ratings Detail

Level Up Series - Final Destination (Robbinsdale Park); 18 holes; Par 58; 6,859 ft.
Spearfish Canyon Disc Golf Course - WY SB border battle; 27 holes; Par 87; 8,205 ft.
Jackson Park - Default Layout; 21 holes; Par 70; 8,006 ft.
Pageant Hill - Thunder 7; 22 holes; Par 69; 7,110 ft.
Pageant Hill - Thunder 7; 22 holes; Par 69; 7,110 ft.
Oahe Downstream Powerhouse - 10th Annual Wishard Tournament RD1; 22 holes; Par 67; 6,814 ft.
Oahe Downstream Powerhouse - 10th Annual Wishard Tournament RD2; 22 holes; Par 68; 7,500 ft.
Rimrock Camp and Retreat Center - Spring Sundae Flex Series; 18 holes; Par 55; 4,383 ft.
Lacroix Disc Golf Course - Spring Sundae Flex Series; 18 holes; Par 55; 6,070 ft.
Center of the Nation Disc Golf - Spring Sundae Flex Series; 18 holes; Par 57; 5,699 ft.
Jackson Park - Spring Sundae Flex Series; 21 holes; Par 67; 7,135 ft.
Jackson Park - Fall Flex Series - Jackson Park; 18 holes; Par 54; 5,339 ft.
Omaha Park Disc Golf Course - Normal Layout (x2); 18 holes; Par 54; 5,170 ft.
Pageant Hill - The Crushmore Layout; 27 holes; Par 86; 8,898 ft.
Spearfish Canyon Disc Golf Course - SD State Tournament Layout; 27 holes; Par 86; 9,214 ft.
Level Up Series - Final Destination C4-Nov-2023MA3175824YesYes
The SD/WY Border Battle SpearfishC1-Oct-2023MA3199863YesYes
Level Up Series - Yoshi's IslandC17-Sep-2023MA2184840YesYes
Thunder in the Hills 7-"Sponsored by Dynamic Discs"C8-Jul to 9-Jul-2023MA40183791YesYes
Thunder in the Hills 7-"Sponsored by Dynamic Discs"C8-Jul to 9-Jul-2023MA40282800YesYes
10th Annual Wishard Memorial Disc Golf TournamentC27-May-2023MA40177802YesYes
10th Annual Wishard Memorial Disc Golf TournamentC27-May-2023MA40285806YesYes
Spring Sundae Flex Series - RimrockC23-Apr-2023MA40165815YesYes
Spring Sundae Flex Series - LaCroixC2-Apr-2023MA40166793YesYes
Spring Sundae Flex Series - Belle FourcheC26-Mar-2023MA40159858YesYes
Spring Sundae Flex Series - Jackson ParkC19-Mar-2023MA40168881YesYes
Fall Flex Series - Jackson ParkC5-Oct-2022MA40159781NoNo
Fall Flex Series - OmahaC28-Sep-2022MA40160790NoNo
The CrushmoreB3-Sep to 4-Sep-2022MA401117729NoNo
The CrushmoreB3-Sep to 4-Sep-2022MA402108794NoNo