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Michael Manchester #232542

Michael Manchester #232542

Player Info

Ratings Detail

Rillito River Park Disc Golf Course - A pad long pins; 18 holes; Par 54; 4,810 ft.
Lemmon Drop Coati Course 2023 ; 18 holes; Par 54; 5,716 ft.
Casa Grande Disc Golf Course - College Park - Default Layout; 18 holes; Par 54; 4,634 ft.
Casa Grande Disc Golf Course - College Park - Main 9 Repeated; 18 holes; Par 54; 4,700 ft.
Cradle of the Deep Flex powered by Prodigy and Desert DiscsC3-Dec-2023MA4166702YesYes
17th Annual Lemmon Drop 2023 presented by Legacy Discs and Desert DiscsB19-May to 21-May-2023MA2168795YesYes
Throw Down at Casa Grande II Presented by Infinite Discs, Powered by ProdigyC18-Feb-2023MA4155810YesYes
Throw Down at Casa Grande Presented by Prodigy DiscC10-Dec-2022MA3161736YesYes