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Susan Ramour #232841

Susan Ramour #232841

Player Info

Ratings Detail

The Nazz at the Church of the Nazarene - Main w/ short tees on #2 & #8; 18 holes; Par 54; 4,886 ft.
The Nazz at the Church of the Nazarene - Main w/ short tees on #2 & #8; 18 holes; Par 54; 4,886 ft.
Klein Park Disc Golf - The Legend Layout ; 18 holes; Par 57; 5,342 ft.
MetCenter Disc Golf Course - Shorts - B Pool; 18 holes; Par 67; 7,765 ft.
MetCenter Disc Golf Course - Shorts - B Pool; 18 holes; Par 67; 7,765 ft.
Lumberton Disc Golf Course - White Tees, Shorts; 18 holes; Par 62; 6,637 ft.
Lumberton Disc Golf Course - White Tees, Shorts; 18 holes; Par 62; 6,637 ft.
Tyrrell Park - Tyrell Shorts ; 21 holes; Par 69; 7,540 ft.
Copperhead Disc Golf Course - Copperhead shorts/reds; 18 holes; Par 60; 6,382 ft.
Klein Park Disc Golf - White tees; 18 holes; Par 57; 6,194 ft.
Klein Park Disc Golf - Black tees; 18 holes; Par 54; 5,383 ft.
Stonebridge Church - Am Layout; 18 holes; Par 55; 4,822 ft.
Stonebridge Church - Am Layout; 18 holes; Par 55; 4,822 ft.
2023 Battle on the Border - Larry Martin MemorialC22-Apr-2023FA1168737YesYes
2023 Battle on the Border - Larry Martin MemorialC22-Apr-2023FA1262810YesYes
FlexShot Saturday FlexStartC28-Jan-2023FA2169709NoNo
The Prickly Pear Classic - A Wildflower Disc Golf Tour EventB21-Jan to 22-Jan-2023FA2179815NoNo
The Prickly Pear Classic - A Wildflower Disc Golf Tour EventB21-Jan to 22-Jan-2023FA2290722NoNo
The Big Thicket Open C3-Dec-2022FA2165832NoNo
The Big Thicket Open C3-Dec-2022FA2278694NoNo
The East Texas Cup Presented by Lone Star Disc B23-Oct-2022FA3177808NoNo
The East Texas Cup Presented by Lone Star Disc B23-Oct-2022FA3270817NoNo
Valhalla OpenC27-Aug-2022FA3173720NoNo
Valhalla OpenC27-Aug-2022FA3266744NoNo
WGE - Space City Stars fueled by Lone Star DiscC6-Aug-2022FA3163806NoNo
WGE - Space City Stars fueled by Lone Star DiscC6-Aug-2022FA3264794NoNo