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Justin Pattat #232857

Justin Pattat #232857

Player Info

Ratings Detail

Lone Star Disc DGC - Lil' Rodeo Adjusted; 18 holes; Par 58; 5,148 ft.
RiverPark 24 Hole layout - PM Pool 24 Holes ; 24 holes; Par 78; 7,740 ft.
Jenkins Park Disc Golf - Default Layout; 18 holes; Par 57; 10,000 ft.
Jenkins Park Disc Golf - Default Layout; 18 holes; Par 57; 10,000 ft.
Jack Brooks Park - Gulf Meadows - Default Layout; 18 holes; Par 56; 5,557 ft.
Lil Rodeo Flex 6 @ Lone Star HQC16-Sep-2023MA4159852YesYes
RiverPark Rumble-Grand Opening of the RiverPark DGC - supported by Innova C30-Apr-2023MA4185848YesYes
4th Annual Coastal Clash Presented by Lone Star DiscB25-Feb-2023MA3164837YesYes
4th Annual Coastal Clash Presented by Lone Star DiscB25-Feb-2023MA3263848YesYes
Saturday Funday @ Jack Brooks (Meadows)C1-Oct-2022MA4162780YesYes