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Luke Reed #24017

Luke Reed #24017

Player Info

Player Statistics

2005 Season Totals


MA1 · Advanced132347.50
Am Totals:132347.50

2005 Tournament Results

MA1 · Advanced

1025.00Wisconsin Tour Warm UpD19-Mar-2005
5232.50Tower Ridge OpenB16-Apr to 17-Apr-2005
17110.00Wakanda Park OpenC16-Apr to 17-Apr-2005
1502.50Standing Rocks OpenB30-Apr to 01-May-2005
7155.00Fox Valley OpenC15-May-2005
13202.503rd Annual Prairie Open - Adv/ProB29-May-2005
12195.00Wham Bam Thank You AmB04-Jun-2005
767.50Baraboo Lions OpenB11-Jun to 12-Jun-2005
2285.00Pickle Open - Adv/ProXC19-Jun-2005
11217.50Manitowalk in the Park VB17-Jul-2005
6255.00Milwaukee OpenB20-Aug to 21-Aug-2005
2210.00Mad City OpenB27-Aug to 28-Aug-2005
790.00Northwoods OpenB03-Sep to 04-Sep-2005