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Gavin Michel #247527

Gavin Michel #247527

Gavin Michel 247527's picture
Gavin Michel 247527's picture

Player Info

Ratings Detail

Pool A: Kensington Toboggan - Seasonal - GLCS Singles Layout (Pool A); 18 holes; Par 66; 10,412 ft.
Pool B: Kensington Toboggan - Seasonal - GLCS Singles Layout (Pool B); 18 holes; Par 66; 10,262 ft.
Gargoyle Park - Long Tees B Positions; 18 holes; Par 56; 6,109 ft.
Slippery Rock University Disc Golf Links - RATR 24 - White Tees; 18 holes; Par 66; 7,278 ft.
Orange Crush - Orange Crush - Long Tee to A Pin; 18 holes; Par 61; 6,331 ft.
Seth Burton Memorial Disc Golf Course - SBM - Long Tee to B Pin; 18 holes; Par 58; 7,855 ft.
Deer Lakes Park - 2024 Rust Belt Conference Championship White Tees; 18 holes; Par 66; 7,619 ft.
Faylor Lake DiscGolfPark - CDG MA1 - Singles (Standard Blue Layout); 18 holes; Par 63; 7,915 ft.
Knob Hill Park - SEO 2023 - White Tees; 18 holes; Par 62; 6,565 ft.
Knob Hill Park - SEO 2023 - White Tees; 18 holes; Par 62; 6,565 ft.
Moraine State Park Disc Golf Course - Moraine - Blue Tees; 18 holes; Par 66; 7,237 ft.
Moraine State Park Disc Golf Course - Moraine - Blue Tees; 18 holes; Par 66; 7,237 ft.
IUP College Lodge - White tees 2023 tournament mixed pins; 18 holes; Par 61; 6,129 ft.
IUP College Lodge - Blue tees 2023 tournament mixed pins; 18 holes; Par 61; 7,167 ft.
Slippery Rock University Disc Golf Links - Slippery Rock - White Tees; 18 holes; Par 67; 7,512 ft.
Great Lakes Collegiate Showdown - SinglesXC2-Nov to 3-Nov-2024MA1170945YesYes
Mid-Atlantic Collegiate Championship Presented by MVP Disc Sports - SinglesXC12-Oct to 13-Oct-2024MA1161866YesYes
Rumble at the RockC22-Jun-2024MA2173810YesYes
Mellow Day in May +WGEC18-May-2024MA1172884YesYes
Mellow Day in May +WGEC18-May-2024MA1276831YesYes
2024 Rust Belt Conference Championship presented by Camber Disc Golf Co. - SinglesXC13-Apr-2024MA1173870YesYes
Discmania's Mid-Atlantic Collegiate Regional Championship - SinglesXC21-Oct to 22-Oct-2023MA1171861YesYes
2023 Summer's End Open - FA2, FA3, MA2, MA3, MA4C24-Sep-2023MA2165867YesYes
2023 Summer's End Open - FA2, FA3, MA2, MA3, MA4C24-Sep-2023MA2264877YesYes
Ironwood OpenB13-May to 14-May-2023MA2168891NoNo
Ironwood OpenB13-May to 14-May-2023MA2278802NoNo
Indiana Open @ IUP College Lodge Driven by InnovaB/C29-Apr to 30-Apr-2023MA1169819NoNo
Indiana Open @ IUP College Lodge Driven by InnovaB/C29-Apr to 30-Apr-2023MA1276811NoNo
Rust Belt Championship presented by Camber Disc Golf - SinglesXC18-Mar-2023MA1177866NoNo