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Carson Childs #248775

Carson Childs #248775

Player Info

Ratings Detail

Parowan Canyon - North Course; 18 holes; Par 56; 5,417 ft.
Parowan Canyon - SUDGA Parowan South 9 North 9; 18 holes; Par 55; 4,493 ft.
The Observatory Park Disc Golf Course - The North FORT Challenge 2023; 20 holes; Par 67; 7,286 ft.
The Observatory Park Disc Golf Course - The North FORT Challenge 2023; 20 holes; Par 67; 7,286 ft.
SUDG Series Layout 2023; 13 holes; Par 40; 4,252 ft.
SUDG Series Layout 2023; 13 holes; Par 40; 4,252 ft.
SUDG Series Layout 2023; 13 holes; Par 40; 4,252 ft.
SUDGA Series: Parowan CanyonC17-Jun-2023MA2157862YesYes
SUDGA Series: Parowan CanyonC17-Jun-2023MA2254861YesYes
The North FORT Challenge Sponsored by Infinite DiscsC6-May-2023MA2164918YesYes
The North FORT Challenge Sponsored by Infinite DiscsC6-May-2023MA2267890YesYes
SUDGA Series: Sand HollowC18-Feb-2023MA2145840YesYes
SUDGA Series: Sand HollowC18-Feb-2023MA2242886YesYes
SUDGA Series: Sand HollowC18-Feb-2023MA2344855YesYes