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Michael Petersohn #252651

Michael Petersohn #252651

Player Info

Ratings Detail

Plantation Ruins at Winget - Chain Reactions Fall Series #1 - ALL DIVISIONS; 18 holes; Par 58; 5,110 ft.
Plantation Ruins at Winget - Chain Reactions Summer Series #5 - ALL DIVISIONS; 18 holes; Par 58; 5,110 ft.
Renaissance Park - Gold - Silver and Gold; 18 holes; Par 64; 7,141 ft.
Wolfman Woods Run - White Tees; 18 holes; Par 57; 5,419 ft.
Bradley Center Disc Golf Course - Default Layout; 18 holes; Par 60; 5,480 ft.
Goat Island Disc Golf Course - Longs; 18 holes; Par 59; 5,851 ft.
Goat Island Disc Golf Course - Longs; 18 holes; Par 59; 5,851 ft.
Bradley Center Disc Golf Course - Default Layout; 18 holes; Par 60; 5,480 ft.
Wolfman Woods Run - White Tees; 18 holes; Par 57; 5,419 ft.
Goat Island Disc Golf Course - Long Tees; 18 holes; Par 59; 5,902 ft.
Chain Reactions Fall Point Series #1 (Y3) @WingetC21-Sep-2024MA40155919YesYes
Chain Reactions Summer Point Series #5 (Y3) @WingetC17-Aug-2024MA40162846YesNo
Silver and Gold C22-Jun-2024MA40167915YesYes
2nd Annual Big Bag Wolf C11-May-2024MA40156944YesYes
2nd Annual Bradley Center BattleC13-Apr-2024MA40161902YesYes
G Town King of the Island - 2023C3-Dec-2023MA40155953YesYes
G Town King of the Island - 2023C3-Dec-2023MA40260903YesYes
Bradley Center Battle C29-Jul-2023MA40159913YesYes
The Big Bad WolfC24-Jun-2023MA40161859NoNo
Goat Island GauntletC20-May-2023MA2165837NoNo