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Keith Meek #254604

Keith Meek #254604

Player Info

Ratings Detail

TDTMXI - Diet Orange Course; 18 holes; Par 64; 7,154 ft.
Taylor Park Disc Golf Course - Shorts; 18 holes; Par 54; 4,734 ft.
Bill Frederick Park; T2-The Turkeynator - Red/White Tees T2 F9 OG B9 RAF RAG; 18 holes; Par 59; 5,367 ft.
Birdie Feast 2023 - Short-Short-Short; 27 holes; Par 81; 5,301 ft.
Sun King presents Throw Down the Mountain XI - Flex Start 2C21-May-2023MA3188694YesYes
2023 The Florida Hummingbird Flex Start Fundraiser presented by Tri-Fly Disc GolfC20-May-2023MA4166725YesYes
Orlando Open Flex FundraiserC16-Apr-2023RAG170729YesYes
Inaugural Birdie FeastC9-Apr-2023RAG188742YesYes