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Daniel Schoenwald #258603

Daniel Schoenwald #258603

Player Info

Ratings Detail

Rosedale Park (Up Top) - Rosedale Top LGP 2023; 18 holes; Par 58; 5,899 ft.
Marion County Lake Disc Golf Course - Tournament Layout; 18 holes; Par 54; 4,900 ft.
Boyce Baumgardner Memorial Disc Golf Course at Swope Park - Farm Path Tour Layout; 18 holes; Par 58; 6,186 ft.
Boyce Baumgardner Memorial Disc Golf Course at Swope Park - Farm Path Tour Layout; 18 holes; Par 58; 6,186 ft.
Warner Park - 2x9 ; 18 holes; Par 54; 5,000 ft.
Lion's Gate PortalC5-Aug-2023MA3159878YesYes
Chingawassa Challenge 2023C3-Jun-2023MA3166738YesYes
The Farm Path Tour Presents the 8th Annual Limestone ClassicC21-May-2023MA3164852YesYes
The Farm Path Tour Presents the 8th Annual Limestone ClassicC21-May-2023MA3265842YesYes
Warner Park FlexC5-May-2023MA3160839YesYes