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Brian George #264992

Brian George #264992

Player Info

Ratings Detail

Little Mulberry Park - STO FLex Short; 18 holes; Par 59; 4,624 ft.
Little Mulberry Park - Pork Chop Short; 18 holes; Par 60; 4,789 ft.
Wills Park - Event Layout 2 and 13 short; 18 holes; Par 55; 6,000 ft.
Little Mulberry Park - Hog: White 1B; 18 holes; Par 60; 4,642 ft.
Little Mulberry Park - Hog Blue, 1B; 18 holes; Par 60; 5,772 ft.
Little Mulberry Park - Hog: White Tees; 18 holes; Par 60; 4,642 ft.
Little Mulberry Park - Little Mulberry POOL A; 18 holes; Par 60; 5,165 ft.
Alexander Park - Alexander POOL A; 18 holes; Par 57; 4,810 ft.
Suwanee Creek Disc Golf Course - B&B Round 2 MA50, MA3; 18 holes; Par 56; 4,432 ft.
Suwanee Creek Disc Golf Course - B&B Round 1 MA50, MA3; 18 holes; Par 55; 4,107 ft.
East Roswell Park - Shorts [White Pads]; 18 holes; Par 55; 4,381 ft.
North Georgia Canopy Tours - OG plus some RH Shorts; 24 holes; Par 84; 7,980 ft.
Dekalb Memorial Park Disc Golf Course - Dekalb Memorial Open 2023 Layout (all players); 18 holes; Par 54; 4,955 ft.
Dekalb Memorial Park Disc Golf Course - Dekalb Memorial Open 2023 Layout (all players); 18 holes; Par 54; 4,955 ft.
East Roswell Park - Shorts [White Pads]; 18 holes; Par 56; 4,572 ft.
Cherokee Bluffs MA3 layout; 18 holes; Par 60; 6,093 ft.
Cherokee Bluffs MA3 layout; 18 holes; Par 60; 6,093 ft.
North Landing - Reverse Safari 18; 18 holes; Par 57; 5,055 ft.
Little Mulberry Park - Short Tees Weird Flex; 18 holes; Par 60; 4,731 ft.
Little Mulberry Park - Short Layout; 18 holes; Par 60; 5,010 ft.
Swanky Time Open Flex StartC8-Nov-2024MA4161830YesYes
JRDG Little Mulberry Flex 2C8-Sep-2024MA4161836YesYes
No Frills at Wills (A Throw Pink Fundraiser) - CEP - RatedXC24-Aug-2024MA3159827YesYes
Another Long Day at Mulberry 2024C17-Aug-2024MA3260848YesYes
Another Long Day at Mulberry 2024C17-Aug-2024MA3167850YesYes
JRDG Little Mulberry FlexC7-Jul-2024MA4161829YesYes
the Spring Open sponsored by Dynamic DiscsB20-Apr to 21-Apr-2024MA4259901YesYes
the Spring Open sponsored by Dynamic DiscsB20-Apr to 21-Apr-2024MA4161803YesYes
Beauty and the Beast Chapter 2C24-Feb-2024MA3264822YesYes
Beauty and the Beast Chapter 2C24-Feb-2024MA3167737YesYes
Winterflex 2024C28-Jan-2024MA4158856YesYes
8th Annual GA Flying Disc Festival, Presented by MVP Disc Sports (Day 1)C25-Nov-2023MA4195805YesYes
2023 DeKalb Memorial Open Presented By Prodigy DiscC11-Nov to 12-Nov-2023MA4266780YesYes
2023 DeKalb Memorial Open Presented By Prodigy DiscC11-Nov to 12-Nov-2023MA4170733YesYes
Lost in the Woods 2023C21-Oct-2023MA4158834NoNo
Hall County Charity OpenC23-Sep-2023MA3272790NoNo
Hall County Charity OpenC23-Sep-2023MA3169820NoNo
Full Blast Reverse Safari Flex C12-Aug-2023MA4172714NoNo
Weird FlexC7-Aug-2023MA4170739NoNo
Dog Gone Good Disc Golf presents the Scorched Basket Flex sponsored by Dynamic DiscsC28-Jul-2023MA4164793NoNo