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Benny Rechenmacher #269653

Benny Rechenmacher #269653

Player Info

Ratings Detail

Skyline Golf Course - Diamonds in the Rough - Skyline; 18 holes; Par 61; 7,548 ft.
Lucky Mud Disc Golf Course - Raven - Diamonds in the Rough - Lucky Mud; 18 holes; Par 58; 6,078 ft.
Lucky Mud Disc Golf Course - Raven - Diamonds in the Rough - Lucky Mud; 18 holes; Par 58; 6,078 ft.
Grit Discs presents Diamonds in the Rough supported by Innova DiscsB14-Oct to 15-Oct-2023MJ12174813YesYes
Grit Discs presents Diamonds in the Rough supported by Innova DiscsB14-Oct to 15-Oct-2023MJ12280710YesYes
Grit Discs presents Diamonds in the Rough supported by Innova DiscsB14-Oct to 15-Oct-2023MJ12378730YesYes