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Austin Mann #273034

Austin Mann #273034

MannAustin's picture
MannAustin's picture

Player Info

Ratings Detail

Tyger River Park - White tees to yellow baskets; 18 holes; Par 61; 6,035 ft.
Dolly Cooper Disc Golf Park - Standard Tees; 18 holes; Par 54; 4,962 ft.
Dolly Cooper Disc Golf Park - Standard Tees; 18 holes; Par 54; 4,962 ft.
Hampton Park Disc Golf Course - Standard Tees; 18 holes; Par 61; 6,327 ft.
Hampton Park Disc Golf Course - Standard Tees; 18 holes; Par 61; 6,327 ft.
Lone Star Disc's Flexin' with the Careys (Tyger)C1-Jan-2024MA3171801YesYes
2nd December with Dolly (CEP Charity - Rated)XC30-Dec-2023MA3158857YesYes
2nd December with Dolly (CEP Charity - Rated)XC30-Dec-2023MA3260833YesYes
2nd Hampton Park OpenC/B18-Nov-2023MA2172831YesYes
2nd Hampton Park OpenC/B18-Nov-2023MA2278776YesYes