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Jimmy McGrady #273772

Jimmy McGrady #273772

Player Info

Ratings Detail

Bradford Park - AHA Mixed Layout; 19 holes; Par 59; 6,084 ft.
Hornets Nest Park - Mixed Layout; 18 holes; Par 64; 8,685 ft.
Tyger River Park - All short to yellows except hole 6 and 11. Hole 6 long to red. Hole 11 short to red. ; 18 holes; Par 62; 6,270 ft.
Goat Island Disc Golf Course - King of the Island - Short Layout; 18 holes; Par 57; 5,393 ft.
Goat Island Disc Golf Course - King of the Island - Short Layout; 18 holes; Par 57; 5,393 ft.
4th Annual Battle At BradfordC22-Feb-2025MA4174783YesYes
4th Annual Hornets Nest Buzz OffC25-Jan-2025MA50183844YesYes
Lone Star Disc's Flexin' with the Careys (Tyger) *COURSE CHANGED FROM WOODRUFF*C13-Jan-2024MA3176807YesYes
G Town King of the Island - 2023C3-Dec-2023MA3166788YesYes
G Town King of the Island - 2023C3-Dec-2023MA3269754YesYes