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Chas Williams #273986

Chas Williams #273986

Chas Williams 273986's picture
Chas Williams 273986's picture

Player Info

Ratings Detail

Bad Rock Creek Disc Golf Course - Livin' the Dream at Bad Rock Creek; 18 holes; Par 57; 6,310 ft.
Hobby Hill Disc Golf Course - Cinco de Mayo flex; 18 holes; Par 54; 4,340 ft.
Bad Rock Creek Disc Golf Course - BRC Hybrid; 18 holes; Par 58; 6,527 ft.
Hobby Hill Disc Golf Course - Short; 18 holes; Par 54; 4,307 ft.
Livin’ the Dream at Bad Rock Creek powered by Millennium Golf Discs and Dream Disc Golf Company C1-Jun-2024MA2161875YesYes
gsDiscGolf - Cinco De Mayo FlexC5-May-2024MA2158845YesYes
Nightmare at Bad Rock Creek presented by Dynamic Discs - KCMOC30-Mar-2024MA3171821YesYes
gsDiscGolf - Hobby Hill Flex - Christmas EditionC10-Dec-2023MA3172676YesYes