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Nathaniel Shantz #291976

Nathaniel Shantz #291976

Player Info

Ratings Detail

Thrill Hill - Thrill Hill - Blue Tees; 18 holes; Par 57; 5,321 ft.
Co-op Community Disc Golf Course - White Tees - Hole 5 long Hole 18 hazard; 18 holes; Par 65; 5,165 ft.
South Bear Creek - South Bear Reds (2021); 18 holes; Par 62; 5,051 ft.
Swan City ShowdownC27-Jul to 28-Jul-2024MA3177690YesYes
Swan City ShowdownC27-Jul to 28-Jul-2024MA3287629YesYes
Swan City ShowdownC27-Jul to 28-Jul-2024MA3379670YesYes