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Trevor Boehne #30472

Trevor Boehne #30472

Player Info

Player Statistics

2012 Season Totals


MA1 · Advanced8795.00
Am Totals:8795.00

2012 Tournament Results

MA1 · Advanced

820.00Southern Minnesota Spring ShootoutC31-Mar-2012
165.00Acorn Open hosted by Fairway Flyerz - WGEC12-May-2012
955.00SMDGA Championship presented by J&J Disc GolfC19-May-2012
815.00Fairmont OpenC09-Jun-2012
37240.00Minnesota MajesticA22-Jun to 24-Jun-2012
4270.00NorthStar ThrowdownA25-Aug to 26-Aug-2012
5105.00MN Vibram Championship presented by TeeboxxB15-Sep to 16-Sep-2012
225.00Southern Minnesota Fall ShootoutC20-Oct-2012