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Derik Gawlik #31198

Derik Gawlik #31198

Player Info

Ratings Detail

Mae Simmons Park Disc Golf - Default Layout; 18 holes; Par 57; 5,440 ft.
Mackenzie Park - Big Mack Disc Golf Course - Short Tees; 18 holes; Par 64; 6,946 ft.
Comanche Trail West Disc Golf - West/Mckinney- 24; 24 holes; Par 72; 6,339 ft.
Comanche Trail South Disc Golf - South/ McKinney - 24; 24 holes; Par 74; 7,293 ft.
Comanche Trail West Disc Golf - West/Mckinney- 24; 24 holes; Par 72; 6,339 ft.
Mackenzie Park - Big Mack Disc Golf Course - Long Tees; 18 holes; Par 71; 10,403 ft.
Mackenzie Park - Original - Long Tees; 18 holes; Par 60; 8,029 ft.
Mae Simmons Park Disc Golf - Default Layout; 18 holes; Par 57; 5,560 ft.
Mackenzie Park - Big Mack Disc Golf Course - Long Tees; 18 holes; Par 71; 10,295 ft.
Mae Simmons Park Disc Golf - Default Layout; 18 holes; Par 57; 5,558 ft.
Mackenzie Park - Original - Long Tees; 18 holes; Par 60; 8,109 ft.
Mackenzie Park - Big Mack Disc Golf Course - Short Tees; 18 holes; Par 64; 6,946 ft.
Mae Simmons Park Disc Golf - Default Layout; 18 holes; Par 57; 5,558 ft.
Mae Simmons Park Disc Golf - Default Layout; 18 holes; Par 57; 5,558 ft.
Mackenzie Park - Big Mack Disc Golf Course - Long Tees Rd9; 18 holes; Par 71; 10,295 ft.
Mackenzie Park - Original - Long tees to white basket; 18 holes; Par 57; 6,226 ft.
Windlands Disc Golf Course - Windlands Shorts; 18 holes; Par 54; 5,480 ft.
Beal Park Disc Golf Course - Beal Longs; 18 holes; Par 54; 5,677 ft.
Windlands Disc Golf Course - Windland Longs; 18 holes; Par 59; 6,796 ft.
Children's Home of Lubbock; 18 holes; Par 57; 5,580 ft.
Mackenzie Yellow House; 18 holes; Par 60; 8,054 ft.
Chicken Fried Golf Course; 18 holes; Par 58; 7,323 ft.
Forrest Park - White Tees; 18 holes; Par 56; 5,990 ft.
Chicken Fried Golf Course; 18 holes; Par 58; 7,323 ft.
Mackenzie Park - Original - Mackenzie Short; 18 holes; Par 59; 6,528 ft.
Mackenzie Park - Original - Mackenzie Long; 18 holes; Par 60; 8,154 ft.
Mackenzie Park - Big Mack Disc Golf Course - Big Mack Longs; 17 holes; Par 68; 10,014 ft.
Mae Simmons Park Disc Golf - Mae Simmons ; 18 holes; Par 57; 5,822 ft.
Mackenzie Park - Original - West Texas Shootout Mack New Longs; 18 holes; Par 60; 7,902 ft.
Mackenzie Park - Big Mack Disc Golf Course - Big Mack Longs; 18 holes; Par 71; 10,295 ft.
Mae Simmons Park Disc Golf - West Texas Shootout Mae; 18 holes; Par 57; 5,571 ft.
Mae Simmons Park Disc Golf - Default Layout; 18 holes; Par 57; 5,440 ft.
Comanche Trail West Disc Golf - West/Mckinney- 24; 24 holes; Par 72; 6,339 ft.
Comanche Trail South Disc Golf - South/ McKinney - 24; 24 holes; Par 74; 7,293 ft.
Comanche Trail West Disc Golf - West/Mckinney- 24; 24 holes; Par 72; 6,339 ft.
Mackenzie Park - Original - BAB Mackenzie Long; 18 holes; Par 60; 8,592 ft.
Mae Simmons Park Disc Golf - BAB Mae Simmons ; 18 holes; Par 57; 5,571 ft.
Mackenzie Park - Big Mack Disc Golf Course - Big Mack Longs; 18 holes; Par 71; 10,295 ft.
Comanche Trail South Disc Golf - South/ McKinney - 24; 24 holes; Par 73; 7,000 ft.
Comanche Trail West Disc Golf - West/Mckinney; 21 holes; Par 63; 5,700 ft.
Comanche Trail South Disc Golf - South/ McKinney - 24; 24 holes; Par 73; 7,000 ft.
Unknown Layout; 18 holes; Par 54
Unknown Layout; 18 holes; Par 54
Unknown Layout; 18 holes; Par 54
Unknown Layout; 18 holes; Par 54
Unknown Layout; 18 holes; Par 54
Unknown Layout; 18 holes; Par 54
Unknown Layout; 18 holes; Par 54
Unknown Layout; 18 holes; Par 54
Unknown Layout; 18 holes; Par 54
Unknown Layout; 18 holes; Par 54
Unknown Layout; 18 holes; Par 54
Unknown Layout; 18 holes; Par 54
Unknown Layout; 18 holes; Par 54
Unknown Layout; 18 holes; Par 54
Unknown Layout; 18 holes; Par 54
Unknown Layout; 18 holes; Par 54
Unknown Layout; 18 holes; Par 54
Default Layout; 18 holes; Par 54
Default Layout; 18 holes; Par 54
Default Layout; 18 holes; Par 54
Unknown Layout; 18 holes; Par 54
Unknown Layout; 18 holes; Par 54
Unknown Layout; 18 holes; Par 54
DISConnect WSF Mini (Weekly Sunday Flex-start)L8-May to 10-Jul-2022MP40564892YesYes
DISConnect WSF Mini (Weekly Sunday Flex-start)L8-May to 10-Jul-2022MP40484841YesYes
LowPutt Disc Golf Presents the Luck of The DrawB2-Apr to 3-Apr-2022MP40382846YesYes
LowPutt Disc Golf Presents the Luck of The DrawB2-Apr to 3-Apr-2022MP40277876YesYes
LowPutt Disc Golf Presents the Luck of The DrawB2-Apr to 3-Apr-2022MP40188795YesNo
1st Battle for the Buffalo Presented by Rhoads Drilling Co.C26-Mar to 27-Mar-2022MP40382875YesYes
1st Battle for the Buffalo Presented by Rhoads Drilling Co.C26-Mar to 27-Mar-2022MP40270850YesYes
1st Battle for the Buffalo Presented by Rhoads Drilling Co.C26-Mar to 27-Mar-2022MP40162883YesYes
DISConnect WTF Mini (Weekly Thursday Flex-start) IIL13-Feb to 17-Apr-2022MA40284878YesYes
DISConnect WTF Mini (Weekly Thursday Flex-start) IIL13-Feb to 17-Apr-2022MA40165865YesYes
DISConnect WSF (Weekly Sunday Flex-Start)L6-Dec to 6-Feb-2022MP40270887YesYes
DISConnect WSF (Weekly Sunday Flex-Start)L6-Dec to 6-Feb-2022MP40169880YesYes
DISConnect WSF (Weekly Sunday Flex-Start)L6-Dec to 6-Feb-2022MP40367862YesYes
DISConnect WSF (Weekly Sunday Flex-Start)L6-Dec to 6-Feb-2022MP40866871YesYes
DISConnect WSF (Weekly Sunday Flex-Start)L6-Dec to 6-Feb-2022MP40979895YesYes
DISConnect WSF (Weekly Sunday Flex-Start)L6-Dec to 6-Feb-2022MP40765813YesYes
10th Annual Oilfield BlowoutB13-Nov to 14-Nov-2021MP40152934YesYes
10th Annual Oilfield BlowoutB13-Nov to 14-Nov-2021MP40268848YesYes
10th Annual Oilfield BlowoutB13-Nov to 14-Nov-2021MP40374851YesYes
Fundraiser for 1st Battle for the Buffalo tournamentC30-Oct-2021MP40159910YesYes
Fundraiser for 1st Battle for the Buffalo tournamentC30-Oct-2021MP40272867YesYes
11th Annual Chicken Fried Steak Disc Golf Tournament presented by DISConnectC16-Oct to 17-Oct-2021MP40171829YesYes
11th Annual Chicken Fried Steak Disc Golf Tournament presented by DISConnectC16-Oct to 17-Oct-2021MP40259892YesYes
11th Annual Chicken Fried Steak Disc Golf Tournament presented by DISConnectC16-Oct to 17-Oct-2021MP40365885YesYes
DISConnect WTF Mini (Weekly Thursday Flex-start)L16-Sep to 21-Nov-2021MP40458882YesYes
Dynamic Discs Presents the 29th Annual Big Arms on the BrazosB17-Jul to 18-Jul-2021MA1373849YesYes
Dynamic Discs Presents the 29th Annual Big Arms on the BrazosB17-Jul to 18-Jul-2021MA1277899YesYes
Dynamic Discs Presents the 29th Annual Big Arms on the BrazosB17-Jul to 18-Jul-2021MA1162905YesYes
West Texas ShootoutB24-Apr to 25-Apr-2021MP40171866NoNo
West Texas ShootoutB24-Apr to 25-Apr-2021MP40391850NoNo
West Texas ShootoutB24-Apr to 25-Apr-2021MP40265878NoNo
DISConnect WTF Mini (Weekly Thursday Flex-start)L22-Apr to 24-Jun-2021MP40766862NoNo
Lowputt Disc Golf Presents the Luck of The DrawB10-Apr to 11-Apr-2021MP40379883NoNo
Lowputt Disc Golf Presents the Luck of The DrawB10-Apr to 11-Apr-2021MP40278861NoNo
Lowputt Disc Golf Presents the Luck of The DrawB10-Apr to 11-Apr-2021MP40182859NoNo
Dynamic Discs Presents the 28th Big Arms on the Brazos - CDG $5K/$10K EventB18-Jul to 19-Jul-2020MA40371864NoNo
Dynamic Discs Presents the 28th Big Arms on the Brazos - CDG $5K/$10K EventB18-Jul to 19-Jul-2020MA40268852NoNo
Dynamic Discs Presents the 28th Big Arms on the Brazos - CDG $5K/$10K EventB18-Jul to 19-Jul-2020MA40184870NoNo
Low Putt Disc Golf presents The Luck of the Draw presented by InnovaB6-Jun to 7-Jun-2020MP40381875NoNo
Low Putt Disc Golf presents The Luck of the Draw presented by InnovaB6-Jun to 7-Jun-2020MP40272875NoNo
Low Putt Disc Golf presents The Luck of the Draw presented by InnovaB6-Jun to 7-Jun-2020MP40186835NoNo
Luck of the DrawC24-Oct to 25-Oct-2009MPO383886NoNo
Luck of the DrawC24-Oct to 25-Oct-2009MPO280855NoNo
Luck of the DrawC24-Oct to 25-Oct-2009MPO184939NoNo
5th Annual Discrazy ShootoutB2-May to 3-May-2009MA2284805NoNo
5th Annual Discrazy ShootoutB2-May to 3-May-2009MA2159932NoNo
5th Annual Discrazy ShootoutB2-May to 3-May-2009MA2368846NoNo
Luck of the DrawC25-Oct-2008MA1272849NoNo
Luck of the DrawC25-Oct-2008MA1167881NoNo
The CrushC15-Mar to 16-Mar-2008MA1361911NoNo
The CrushC15-Mar to 16-Mar-2008MA1257864NoNo
The CrushC15-Mar to 16-Mar-2008MA1167848NoNo
Big Arms on the BrazosB13-Oct to 14-Oct-2007MA1389880NoNo
Big Arms on the BrazosB13-Oct to 14-Oct-2007MA1284891NoNo
Big Arms on the BrazosB13-Oct to 14-Oct-2007MA1185884NoNo
3rd Annual Discrazy ShootoutB5-May to 6-May-2007MA1369930NoNo
3rd Annual Discrazy ShootoutB5-May to 6-May-2007MA1273885NoNo
3rd Annual Discrazy ShootoutB5-May to 6-May-2007MA1171888NoNo
Crush on the ConchoC17-Mar to 18-Mar-2007MA2380869NoNo
Crush on the ConchoC17-Mar to 18-Mar-2007MA2270918NoNo
Crush on the ConchoC17-Mar to 18-Mar-2007MA2166853NoNo
That Cotton Pickin' TourneyC14-Oct to 15-Oct-2006MA1291873NoNo
That Cotton Pickin' TourneyC14-Oct to 15-Oct-2006MA1373949NoNo
That Cotton Pickin' TourneyC14-Oct to 15-Oct-2006MA1186888NoNo