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John Ryan #34459

John Ryan #34459

Player Info

Player Statistics

2008 Season Totals


MA1 · Advanced4517.50
MA2 · Intermediate111046.00
Am Totals:151563.50

2008 Tournament Results

MA1 · Advanced

1090.002008 Sunrise ShowdownC02-Aug to 03-Aug-2008
1722.502008 Sun Valley OpenB06-Sep to 07-Sep-2008
15187.502008 Coyote Classic Presented by DGAB25-Oct to 26-Oct-2008
12217.50So Cal Championships - AmB08-Nov to 09-Nov-2008

MA2 · Intermediate

348.00Ice Bowl in ParadiseC26-Jan-2008
3114.0030th Wintertime OpenB09-Feb to 10-Feb-2008
3114.00Plastic Pilots El Dorado Open 12B15-Mar to 16-Mar-2008
248.00Sylmar OpenC22-Mar-2008
164.00Emerald Isle Open (EIEIO)C29-Mar-2008
3120.002008 Higher Flyers MemorialB12-Apr to 13-Apr-2008
17168.00Steady Ed Memorial Amateur Masters CupA18-Apr to 20-Apr-2008
360.002008 Crescenta Valley SafariC10-May-2008
252.00Fling XIIC17-May-2008
1126.00Summertime OpenB31-May to 01-Jun-2008
1132.00Summer FlingB14-Jun-2008