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Sean McGuire #35226

Sean McGuire #35226

Player Info

  • Location: Buda, Texas, United States
  • Classification: Professional
  • Member Since: 2008
  • Membership Status: Expired (as of 31-Dec-2015)
  • Official Status: Expired (as of 24-Jan-2016)
  • Career Events: 13
  • Career Earnings: $55.00

Ratings Detail

Pool A: Estimated Prophet Purple; 18 holes; Par 54
Pool A: Fire On the Mountain White; 18 holes; Par 54
Pool A: Estimated Prophet Yellow; 18 holes; Par 54
pros; 18 holes; Par 63
pros; 18 holes; Par 63
EP BLUE; 18 holes; Par 54
FOM GREEN; 18 holes; Par 54
Shorts; 20 holes; Par 63
Shorts; 20 holes; Par 63
Default Layout; 19 holes; Par 64
Default Layout; 19 holes; Par 64
Estimated Prophet Orange; 18 holes; Par 54
Fire On The Mountain Blue; 18 holes; Par 54
Estimated Prophet Yellow; 18 holes; Par 54
Galloway; 18 holes; Par 55
Haley Nelson Standard; 18 holes; Par 62
GonZo Longs; 18 holes; Par 59
GonZo Longs; 18 holes; Par 59
Jones East; 18 holes; Par 61
Country Club; 18 holes; Par 61
Municipal; 18 holes; Par 65
Pool b: Roy G Long; 18 holes; Par 61
Pool b: Met Center Long; 18 holes; Par 63
Pool b: Roy G Long; 18 holes; Par 61
E.P. Pink; 18 holes; Par 54
E.P. Orange; 18 holes; Par 60
F.O.M. White; 18 holes; Par 54
Coyote; 18 holes; Par 54
Mt. Lebanon; 18 holes; Par 54
Unknown Layout; 18 holes; Par 54
Unknown Layout; 18 holes; Par 54
17th Annual Oktoberfest & HOTT FinalB2-Oct to 4-Oct-2015MPO374905YesYes
17th Annual Oktoberfest & HOTT FinalB2-Oct to 4-Oct-2015MPO157906YesYes
17th Annual Oktoberfest & HOTT FinalB2-Oct to 4-Oct-2015MPO265862YesYes
Texas Disc Golf's Spring FundraiserC22-Mar-2015MPO170911YesYes
Texas Disc Golf's Spring FundraiserC22-Mar-2015MPO284799YesNo
16th Annual Red Rock ShowB14-Mar to 16-Mar-2014MPO170955YesYes
16th Annual Red Rock ShowB14-Mar to 16-Mar-2014MPO273883YesYes
TFBT Club ChampionshipC29-Dec-2013MPO266954YesYes
TFBT Club ChampionshipC29-Dec-2013MPO166954YesYes
Wilco Winter Classic 2B14-Dec-2013mpo274893NoNo
Wilco Winter Classic 2B14-Dec-2013mpo165963NoNo
The 15th Annual Oktoberfest and HOTT FinalB5-Oct to 6-Oct-2013MPO366981NoNo
The 15th Annual Oktoberfest and HOTT FinalB5-Oct to 6-Oct-2013MPO279842NoNo
The 15th Annual Oktoberfest and HOTT FinalB5-Oct to 6-Oct-2013MPO159940NoNo
Hamilton Creek Open 5B11-May-2013MA1268835NoNo
Hamilton Creek Open 5B11-May-2013MA1163942NoNo
2013 Heart Of Texas Tour Gonzo Open - All Pro and IntermediateC28-Apr-2013MPO157924NoNo
2013 Heart Of Texas Tour Gonzo Open - All Pro and IntermediateC28-Apr-2013MPO261883NoNo
Dynamic Discs Glass Blown Open sponsored by Latitude 64A12-Apr to 14-Apr-2013MA1370912NoNo
Dynamic Discs Glass Blown Open sponsored by Latitude 64A12-Apr to 14-Apr-2013MA1182877NoNo
Dynamic Discs Glass Blown Open sponsored by Latitude 64A12-Apr to 14-Apr-2013MA1270952NoNo
Texas State Disc Golf Championships 2013A16-Mar to 17-Mar-2013MA1364989NoNo
Texas State Disc Golf Championships 2013A16-Mar to 17-Mar-2013MA1276921NoNo
Texas State Disc Golf Championships 2013A16-Mar to 17-Mar-2013MA1171938NoNo
15th Annual Red Rock ShowB8-Mar to 10-Mar-2013MA1268939NoNo
15th Annual Red Rock ShowB8-Mar to 10-Mar-2013MA1367987NoNo
15th Annual Red Rock ShowB8-Mar to 10-Mar-2013MA1166879NoNo
Dynamic Discs Cedar Hill ChillB16-Feb-2013MA2259929NoNo
Dynamic Discs Cedar Hill ChillB16-Feb-2013MA2159946NoNo
The Gonzales Liberty Battle 2008C29-Mar-2008MA1158930NoNo
The Gonzales Liberty Battle 2008C29-Mar-2008MA1264871NoNo