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Chris Lombardo #37570

Chris Lombardo #37570

Player Info

Ratings Detail

Timber Beast - Timberbeast 24 Regular Pool A; 18 holes; Par 54; 4,800 ft.
Timber Beast - Timberbeast 24 Regular Pool A; 18 holes; Par 54; 4,800 ft.
Corbin Park - Summer Insanity; 19 holes; Par 57; 3,877 ft.
High Bridge Park Disc Golf Course - Lords of Fly Round 1; 18 holes; Par 54; 5,472 ft.
High Bridge Park Disc Golf Course - Lords of Fly Round 2; 18 holes; Par 57; 6,410 ft.
Jamboree Disc Golf at Camp Sekani - Lords of the Fly; 20 holes; Par 63; 6,635 ft.
Timber Beast - Pool A MUBS; 18 holes; Par 54; 5,101 ft.
Timber Beast - Pool A MUBS; 18 holes; Par 54; 5,101 ft.
Sunnyside Park - Sunnyside Up Layout; 20 holes; Par 62; 5,393 ft.
Sunnyside Park - Sunnyside Up Layout; 20 holes; Par 62; 5,393 ft.
High Bridge Park Disc Golf Course - 2023 Spookane Open; 18 holes; Par 56; 6,217 ft.
High Bridge Park Disc Golf Course - 2023 Spookane Open; 18 holes; Par 56; 6,217 ft.
Kooky Noosa at Libby Dam - Lower; 18 holes; Par 61; 7,176 ft.
Kooky Noosa at Libby Dam - Upper Long; 18 holes; Par 56; 4,861 ft.
Jamboree Disc Golf at Camp Sekani - Sekani Scorcher Pro Layout; 18 holes; Par 59; 6,460 ft.
Jamboree Disc Golf at Camp Sekani - Sekani Scorcher Pro Layout; 18 holes; Par 59; 6,460 ft.
Panhandle Kiwanis Disc Golf Course at Cherry Hill - 2023 AXO R1.R2; 18 holes; Par 54; 4,260 ft.
Panhandle Kiwanis Disc Golf Course at Cherry Hill - 2023 AXO R1.R2; 18 holes; Par 54; 4,260 ft.
Timber Beast - Timberbeast 23 long Pool A; 18 holes; Par 54; 4,800 ft.
Timber Beast - Timberbeast 23 long Pool A; 18 holes; Par 54; 4,800 ft.
A pool (AWOL . Wreckreator); 21 holes; Par 68; 7,958 ft.
Farragut Frenzy loop; 31 holes; Par 98; 10,588 ft.
Caliber Disc Golf Course - Caliber Longs; 18 holes; Par 65; 8,833 ft.
Caliber Disc Golf Course - Caliber Shorts; 18 holes; Par 65; 7,842 ft.
Farragut State Park - Cutthroat - HCO Cutthroat ; 18 holes; Par 66; 9,475 ft.
Timber Beast - A-pool SATURDAY (MPO, FPO, MP40, MP50, MP60, MA1; 18 holes; Par 54; 5,060 ft.
Timber Beast - A-pool SATURDAY (MPO, FPO, MP40, MP50, MP60, MA1; 18 holes; Par 54; 5,060 ft.
Timber Beast - A-pool SUNDAY (MPO, FPO, MP40, MP50, MP60, MA1); 18 holes; Par 54; 5,237 ft.
Timber Beast - Pool A MUBS; 18 holes; Par 54; 5,300 ft.
Timber Beast - Pool A MUBS; 18 holes; Par 54; 5,300 ft.
High Bridge Park Disc Golf Course - Default Layout; 18 holes; Par 55; 4,935 ft.
Corbin Park - Default Layout; 18 holes; Par 55; 3,887 ft.
Farragut State Park - Northstar - Default; 18 holes; Par 54; 4,994 ft.
Farragut State Park - Wreckreator - Default; 18 holes; Par 54; 6,239 ft.
Farragut State Park - A.W.O.L. - Default; 18 holes; Par 60; 6,746 ft.
Caliber Disc Golf Course - Default; 18 holes; Par 65; 7,785 ft.
Sunnyside Park - Sunnyside Up Layout; 20 holes; Par 62; 5,351 ft.
Sunnyside Park - Sunnyside Up Layout; 20 holes; Par 62; 5,351 ft.
The Oasis - Long tees; 18 holes; Par 57; 6,248 ft.
The Oasis - Long tees; 18 holes; Par 56; 6,248 ft.
Jamboree Disc Golf at Camp Sekani - Sekani Fall Brawl; 20 holes; Par 63; 6,511 ft.
Jamboree Disc Golf at Camp Sekani - Sekani Fall Brawl; 20 holes; Par 63; 6,511 ft.
Jamboree Disc Golf at Camp Sekani - Sekani Fall Brawl; 20 holes; Par 63; 6,511 ft.
Jamboree Disc Golf at Camp Sekani - Sekani Fall Brawl; 20 holes; Par 63; 6,511 ft.
Hells Gate State Park - Monster Mash Layout; 18 holes; Par 59; 6,151 ft.
Hells Gate State Park - Monster Mash Layout; 18 holes; Par 59; 6,151 ft.
Farragut State Park - Cutthroat - Cutthroat; 18 holes; Par 66; 10,567 ft.
Farragut State Park - A.W.O.L. - Farragut State Park - A.W.O.L.; 18 holes; Par 60; 6,746 ft.
Farragut State Park - Wreckreator - Wreckreator; 18 holes; Par 56; 6,452 ft.
Kooky Noosa at Libby Dam - Lower Rd1; 18 holes; Par 61; 7,206 ft.
Kooky Noosa at Libby Dam - Upper Long; 18 holes; Par 56; 4,861 ft.
Kooky Noosa at Libby Dam - Lower; 18 holes; Par 61; 7,206 ft.
Panhandle Kiwanis Disc Golf Course at Cherry Hill - ApeX Open 2022 Saturday; 18 holes; Par 54; 4,292 ft.
Panhandle Kiwanis Disc Golf Course at Cherry Hill - ApeX Open 2022 Saturday; 18 holes; Par 54; 4,292 ft.
Panhandle Kiwanis Disc Golf Course at Cherry Hill - 2022 ApeX Open Sunday Layout; 22 holes; Par 66; 5,899 ft.
Timber Beast - Default Layout (A Pool); 18 holes; Par 54; 5,021 ft.
Timber Beast - Default Layout (A Pool); 18 holes; Par 54; 5,021 ft.
Timber Beast - A Pool Sunday; 18 holes; Par 54; 5,210 ft.
Pool A: Northwood Black - MW Northwood Black; 18 holes; Par 68; 10,499 ft.
Pool A: Eureka Temp - MW Eureka Temp; 18 holes; Par 63; 9,665 ft.
Pool A: Northwood Black - MW Northwood Black; 18 holes; Par 68; 10,499 ft.
Pool A: Eureka Temp - MW Eureka Temp Rd4; 18 holes; Par 63; 9,665 ft.
Timber Beast - Long 2022; 18 holes; Par 54; 4,800 ft.
Timber Beast - Long 2022; 18 holes; Par 54; 4,800 ft.
Riverbend West at Milo McIver State Park - Milo West MPO; 18 holes; Par 60; 8,681 ft.
Riverbend West at Milo McIver State Park - Milo East MPO; 18 holes; Par 61; 8,796 ft.
Riverbend West at Milo McIver State Park - Milo West MPO; 18 holes; Par 60; 8,681 ft.
Pool C; 27 holes; Par 93; 13,250 ft.
Pool C; 27 holes; Par 93; 13,250 ft.
Pool C (21 Holes); 21 holes; Par 74; 10,870 ft.
Downriver Disc Golf Course at Riverside State Park - Default Layout; 18 holes; Par 55; 6,100 ft.
Downriver Disc Golf Course at Riverside State Park - Default Layout; 18 holes; Par 55; 6,100 ft.
Farragut State Park - Northstar - Default; 18 holes; Par 54; 4,994 ft.
Panhandle Kiwanis Disc Golf Course at Cherry Hill - Default; 18 holes; Par 54; 4,430 ft.
Farragut State Park - A.W.O.L. - Default; 18 holes; Par 60; 6,146 ft.
Timber Beast - Pool A MUBS; 18 holes; Par 54; 5,300 ft.
Timber Beast - Pool A MUBS; 18 holes; Par 54; 5,300 ft.
Sunnyside Park - Sunnyside Up Layout; 20 holes; Par 62; 5,351 ft.
Sunnyside Park - Sunnyside Up Layout Rd2; 20 holes; Par 62; 5,351 ft.
Jamboree Disc Golf at Camp Sekani - Long tees; 18 holes; Par 56; 6,052 ft.
Jamboree Disc Golf at Camp Sekani - Long tees; 18 holes; Par 56; 6,052 ft.
Jamboree Disc Golf at Camp Sekani - Long tees Rd5; 18 holes; Par 56; 6,052 ft.
Farragut State Park - Cutthroat - Cutthroat Gold; 18 holes; Par 66; 10,294 ft.
Farragut State Park - A.W.O.L. - Farragut State Park - A.W.O.L. Disc Golf Course Rd2; 18 holes; Par 60; 6,469 ft.
Farragut State Park - Wreckreator - Wreckreator; 18 holes; Par 56; 6,452 ft.
Kooky Noosa at Libby Dam - Lower; 18 holes; Par 61; 7,206 ft.
Kooky Noosa at Libby Dam - Upper Long; 18 holes; Par 56; 4,861 ft.
Kooky Noosa at Libby Dam - Lower; 18 holes; Par 61; 7,206 ft.
Panhandle Kiwanis Disc Golf Course at Cherry Hill - AXO B pool Round 1-2; 18 holes; Par 54; 4,441 ft.
Panhandle Kiwanis Disc Golf Course at Cherry Hill - AXO B pool Round 1-2; 18 holes; Par 54; 4,441 ft.
Panhandle Kiwanis Disc Golf Course at Cherry Hill - AXO B pool round 3; 22 holes; Par 67; 6,108 ft.
Default Layout; 18 holes; Par 58; 5,627 ft.
Default Layout; 18 holes; Par 58; 5,627 ft.
Timber Beast - Takedown B-Pool; 18 holes; Par 54; 4,961 ft.
Timber Beast - Takedown B-Pool; 18 holes; Par 54; 4,961 ft.
Caliber Disc Golf Course - Pro Pads; 18 holes; Par 65; 8,718 ft.
Farragut State Park - Cutthroat - HCO Cutthroat Layout; 18 holes; Par 67; 10,000 ft.
Timber Beast - 2021 Long tees; 18 holes; Par 54; 4,900 ft.
Timber Beast - 2021 long tees pro pool; 18 holes; Par 54; 4,900 ft.
High Bridge Park Disc Golf Course - Original enhanced; 21 holes; Par 65; 6,564 ft.
High Bridge Park Disc Golf Course - Original enhanced; 21 holes; Par 65; 6,564 ft.
Downriver Disc Golf Course at Riverside State Park - Default Layout; 18 holes; Par 55; 6,100 ft.
Downriver Disc Golf Course at Riverside State Park - Default Layout; 18 holes; Par 55; 6,100 ft.
Columbia Park - Windy River Open Pro/MA1; 27 holes; Par 90; 10,781 ft.
Columbia Park - Windy River Open Pro/MA1 Rd2; 27 holes; Par 90; 10,781 ft.
Rocky Ridge - Default ; 18 holes; Par 56; 5,233 ft.
High Bridge Park Disc Golf Course - Default; 18 holes; Par 54; 4,935 ft.
Jamboree Disc Golf at Camp Sekani - Default; 18 holes; Par 56; 5,998 ft.
Downriver Disc Golf Course at Riverside State Park - Default; 18 holes; Par 55; 6,066 ft.
Farragut State Park - Wreckreator - Default; 18 holes; Par 54; 6,239 ft.
Farragut State Park - A.W.O.L. - Default; 18 holes; Par 60; 6,746 ft.
Caliber Disc Golf Course - Default; 18 holes; Par 65; 7,785 ft.
Baldfoot Disc Golf Course - Default; 18 holes; Par 54; 4,803 ft.
Jamboree Disc Golf at Camp Sekani - Long ; 18 holes; Par 56; 5,998 ft.
Jamboree Disc Golf at Camp Sekani - Long ; 18 holes; Par 56; 5,998 ft.
Farragut State Park - Wreckreator - Default Layout; 18 holes; Par 54; 5,000 ft.
Farragut State Park - A.W.O.L. - Farragut State Park - A.W.O.L. Disc Golf Course; 18 holes; Par 60; 6,746 ft.
Farragut State Park - Northstar - Wreckreator Long; 18 holes; Par 56; 5,200 ft.
Panhandle Kiwanis Disc Golf Course at Cherry Hill - ApeX Open PRO; 22 holes; Par 67; 5,850 ft.
Panhandle Kiwanis Disc Golf Course at Cherry Hill - ApeX Open PRO; 22 holes; Par 67; 5,850 ft.
Farragut State Park - Cutthroat - Default Layout; 18 holes; Par 67; 10,000 ft.
Farragut State Park - Cutthroat - Default Layout; 18 holes; Par 67; 10,000 ft.
Panhandle Kiwanis Disc Golf Course at Cherry Hill - 18 permanent holes; 18 holes; Par 54; 4,430 ft.
Panhandle Kiwanis Disc Golf Course at Cherry Hill - 18 permanent holes Rd4; 18 holes; Par 54; 4,430 ft.
Farragut State Park - Northstar - Northstar Original; 18 holes; Par 54; 4,994 ft.
Panhandle Kiwanis Disc Golf Course at Cherry Hill - ApeX Open Layout; 22 holes; Par 67; 6,172 ft.
Panhandle Kiwanis Disc Golf Course at Cherry Hill - ApeX Open Layout; 22 holes; Par 67; 6,172 ft.
Panhandle Kiwanis Disc Golf Course at Cherry Hill - 18 permanent holes; 18 holes; Par 54; 4,430 ft.
Farragut State Park - A.W.O.L. - Farragut State Park - A.W.O.L. Disc Golf Course; 18 holes; Par 60; 6,746 ft.
Jamboree Disc Golf at Camp Sekani - Regular course; 19 holes; Par 58; 6,093 ft.
Jamboree Disc Golf at Camp Sekani - Short course; 19 holes; Par 57; 5,287 ft.
Timber Beast - Long tees; 18 holes; Par 54; 5,800 ft.
Timber Beast - Long tees; 18 holes; Par 54; 5,800 ft.
High Bridge Park Disc Golf Course - Long 21; 21 holes; Par 65; 6,907 ft.
High Bridge Park Disc Golf Course - Short 21; 21 holes; Par 63; 6,000 ft.
Four Mound - Porcupine - Porcupine; 18 holes; Par 57; 6,479 ft.
Four Mound - Hawk - Hawk; 18 holes; Par 55; 6,098 ft.
Four Mound - Cape Fear - Cape Fear; 18 holes; Par 58; 7,727 ft.
South Hills Disc Golf Course - QCC Round 1; 19 holes; Par 59; 6,000 ft.
South Hills Disc Golf Course - QCC Round 2; 19 holes; Par 57; 6,300 ft.
Farragut State Park - A.W.O.L. - Standard Blue Tees; 18 holes; Par 60; 6,746 ft.
Farragut State Park - Wreckreator - Modified Cut-40% Layout; 18 holes; Par 56; 6,536 ft.
Cherry Hill in Coeur d'Alene - Not temp but not listed; 18 holes; Par 54; 5,400 ft.
Cherry Hill in Coeur d'Alene - Not temp but not listed; 18 holes; Par 54; 5,400 ft.
Four Mound - Hawk - Hawk; 18 holes; Par 55; 6,098 ft.
Four Mound - Porcupine - Porcupine; 18 holes; Par 57; 6,479 ft.
Four Mound - Cape Fear - Cape Fear; 18 holes; Par 58; 7,727 ft.
Panhandle Kiwanis Disc Golf Course at Cherry Hill - Cherry Bomb Layout; 18 holes; Par 54; 6,108 ft.
Panhandle Kiwanis Disc Golf Course at Cherry Hill - Cherry Bomb Layout; 18 holes; Par 54; 6,108 ft.
Maricopa Meadows - Long Tee Pads; 27 holes; Par 82; 14,547 ft.
Maricopa Meadows - Long Tee Pads; 27 holes; Par 82; 14,547 ft.
Default Layout; 20 holes; Par 67; 27,000 ft.
Default Layout; 20 holes; Par 67; 27,000 ft.
Buffalo Ridge Park - Default Layout; 27 holes; Par 82; 10,000 ft.
Red Mountain - South - Championship; 20 holes; Par 63; 8,000 ft.
McPherson Park - Breeze 17; 20 holes; Par 61; 6,600 ft.
McPherson Park - Breeze 17; 20 holes; Par 61; 6,600 ft.
Ironside Bluffs - Bluffs Pro; 18 holes; Par 58; 5,810 ft.
Show Low Disc Golf Course - Show Lo Pro; 18 holes; Par 54; 5,150 ft.
Show Low Disc Golf Course - Show Lo Pro; 18 holes; Par 54; 5,150 ft.
Default Layout; 19 holes; Par 63
Default Layout; 19 holes; Par 63
Thorpe; 21 holes; Par 64
McP prelim B; 20 holes; Par 61
McP prelim A; 20 holes; Par 61
Default Layout; 18 holes; Par 54
Show Low; 18 holes; Par 54
Wood Land Long; 27 holes; Par 81
saturday; 18 holes; Par 54
saturday; 18 holes; Par 54
rd 3; 18 holes; Par 56
Default Layout; 23 holes; Par 69
Default Layout; 23 holes; Par 69
Default Layout; 23 holes; Par 69
Vista XL; 18 holes; Par 60
Fountain Hills Championship; 18 holes; Par 56
Fiesta Lakes DGC; 18 holes; Par 55
Show Low DGC Short; 18 holes; Par 54
Show Low DGC Short; 18 holes; Par 54
Default Layout; 19 holes; Par 60
Default Layout; 19 holes; Par 60
Fountain Hills Championship; 19 holes; Par 58
Vista XL; 18 holes; Par 60
Vista XL; 18 holes; Par 60
Vista XL; 18 holes; Par 60
Show Low City Park; 24 holes; Par 72
Show Low City Park; 24 holes; Par 72
Show Low Bluffs Long; 18 holes; Par 59
round 1; 20 holes; Par 62
round 2; 20 holes; Par 61
Long tees; 18 holes; Par 67
Long tees; 18 holes; Par 67
Long tees; 18 holes; Par 67
Default Layout; 21 holes; Par 65
Default Layout; 21 holes; Par 65
Default Layout; 21 holes; Par 65
Snowbowl; 25 holes; Par 76
Snowbowl; 25 holes; Par 76
Show Low; 18 holes; Par 54
Wood Land; 18 holes; Par 54
Wood land Long; 27 holes; Par 84
LAYOUT A; 18 holes; Par 54
LAYOUT A; 18 holes; Par 54
LAYOUT A; 18 holes; Par 54
Show Low short; 18 holes; Par 54
Show Low short; 18 holes; Par 54
Championship; 18 holes; Par 57
Championship; 18 holes; Par 57
Default Layout; 27 holes; Par 84
Default Layout; 27 holes; Par 84
Buffalo Ridge; 27 holes; Par 81
Papago Championship; 27 holes; Par 86
Long Tall Shelly; 24 holes; Par 75
Long Tall Shelly; 24 holes; Par 75
Vista XL; 18 holes; Par 60
Show Low long; 18 holes; Par 54
Show Low long; 18 holes; Par 54
Show Low Bluffs long; 18 holes; Par 56
Show Low long; 18 holes; Par 54
Wood Land DGC; 18 holes; Par 54
Show Low Bluffs DGC; 18 holes; Par 55
Show Low Park DGC; 18 holes; Par 54
Default Layout; 18 holes; Par 54
Default Layout; 18 holes; Par 54
championship gold layout; 21 holes; Par 65
championship gold layout; 21 holes; Par 65
championship gold layout; 21 holes; Par 65
Pro McP 1; 20 holes; Par 62
Pro McP 2; 20 holes; Par 62
Pro Thorpe 3; 20 holes; Par 62
Pro Thorpe 4; 20 holes; Par 62
Default Layout; 18 holes; Par 54
Default Layout; 18 holes; Par 54
Wood Land Long; 27 holes; Par 83
Picuris Pueblo DGC Long; 20 holes; Par 61
Two Gray Hares DGC Long; 20 holes; Par 60
Sipapu Ski and Summer Resort DGC Long; 20 holes; Par 60
Default Layout; 19 holes; Par 57
Default Layout; 19 holes; Par 57
Default Layout; 19 holes; Par 57
Default Layout; 18 holes; Par 54
Default Layout; 18 holes; Par 54
Championship Xl; 18 holes; Par 57
Championship Xl; 18 holes; Par 57
Pro; 20 holes; Par 61
Pro; 20 holes; Par 61
Default Layout; 18 holes; Par 54
Default Layout; 18 holes; Par 54
Tournament; 19 holes; Par 58
Green Long; 19 holes; Par 61
Papago; 20 holes; Par 60
Default Layout; 18 holes; Par 54
Default Layout; 18 holes; Par 54
Long Tall Shelly; 24 holes; Par 75
Greenfield Lakes Championship South; 18 holes; Par 57
Vista XL; 18 holes; Par 60
Default Layout; 18 holes; Par 54
Default Layout; 18 holes; Par 54
Default Layout; 18 holes; Par 54
Show Low Bluffs; 17 holes; Par 53
Thorpe; 20 holes; Par 61
Thorpe; 20 holes; Par 61
McPherson Pros A; 20 holes; Par 62
McPherson Pros B; 20 holes; Par 61
round 1 long; 19 holes; Par 58
round 2 ntnl forest; 19 holes; Par 59
round 3 woodland monster; 27 holes; Par 85
HHH Average Distance 312; 33 holes; Par 99
HHH Average Distance 312; 33 holes; Par 99
HHH Average Distance 311; 34 holes; Par 102
Default Layout; 18 holes; Par 54
Wood Land Short; 18 holes; Par 54
Wood Land Long ; 18 holes; Par 56
Default Layout; 18 holes; Par 54
Default Layout; 18 holes; Par 54
Default Layout; 18 holes; Par 54
Default Layout; 18 holes; Par 54
Default Layout; 18 holes; Par 56
Default Layout; 18 holes; Par 56
XL Layout; 27 holes; Par 83
Fountain Hills Championship; 18 holes; Par 56
Vista XL; 18 holes; Par 60
Fountain Hills Championship; 18 holes; Par 56
Default Layout; 18 holes; Par 54
Default Layout; 18 holes; Par 54
Default Layout; 18 holes; Par 61
Default Layout; 18 holes; Par 61
Default Layout; 18 holes; Par 61
Default Layout; 20 holes; Par 61
Default Layout; 20 holes; Par 61
Default Layout; 27 holes; Par 81
Default Layout; 27 holes; Par 81
Default Layout; 18 holes; Par 54
long; 18 holes; Par 56
Long Tall Shelly; 24 holes; Par 75
Vista XL; 18 holes; Par 60
Woodland; 18 holes; Par 55
Show Low ; 18 holes; Par 54
Show Low Bluffs; 18 holes; Par 54
Grindstone Park DGC Long; 30 holes; Par 90
Grindstone Park DGC Long; 30 holes; Par 90
Dry Creek Round 1; 21 holes; Par 63
Dry Creek Round 2; 21 holes; Par 63
Little America Open and Advanced Layout; 24 holes; Par 80
Woodland Championship; 18 holes; Par 57
Woodland Championship; 18 holes; Par 57
Woodland Gold; 27 holes; Par 85
Temporary Course; 27 holes; Par 83
Temporary Course; 27 holes; Par 83
McPherson Am Layout; 18 holes; Par 54
McPherson Am Layout; 18 holes; Par 54
Thorpe Am Layout; 18 holes; Par 54
Thorpe Am Layout; 18 holes; Par 54
Show Low; 18 holes; Par 55
Wood Land Long; 18 holes; Par 55
Wood Land Sunday Short; 27 holes; Par 85
Default Layout; 18 holes; Par 54
Default Layout; 18 holes; Par 54
Default Layout; 18 holes; Par 54
Default Layout; 18 holes; Par 54
Default Layout; 18 holes; Par 56
Default Layout; 18 holes; Par 56
XL Layout; 27 holes; Par 81
Buffalo Ridge; 18 holes; Par 54
Thunderbird Paseo; 18 holes; Par 54
Fountain Hills Championship; 18 holes; Par 56
Vista XL; 18 holes; Par 60
Fountain Hills Championship; 18 holes; Par 56
Fountain Park XL; 18 holes; Par 56
Fountain Park XL; 18 holes; Par 56
Vista del Camino XL; 18 holes; Par 60
Buffalo Ridge; 27 holes; Par 81
Buffalo Ridge; 27 holes; Par 81
Default Layout; 18 holes; Par 54
Long Layout; 18 holes; Par 56
Long Tall Shelly; 24 holes; Par 75
Vista XL; 18 holes; Par 60
Default Layout; 18 holes; Par 55
Default Layout; 18 holes; Par 55
Default Layout; 18 holes; Par 55
Default Layout; 18 holes; Par 55
Default Layout; 18 holes; Par 55
Default Layout; 18 holes; Par 55
Default Layout; 18 holes; Par 54
Default Layout; 18 holes; Par 54
Wood Land Regular; 18 holes; Par 54
round 1; 21 holes; Par 65
round 2; 21 holes; Par 68
round 3; 27 holes; Par 86
Default Layout; 18 holes; Par 54
Default Layout; 18 holes; Par 54
Default Layout; 18 holes; Par 54
Default Layout; 18 holes; Par 54
Default Layout; 18 holes; Par 54
Default Layout; 18 holes; Par 54
Default Layout; 18 holes; Par 56
Default Layout; 18 holes; Par 56
XL Layout; 27 holes; Par 83
Memorial Championship Fountain Layout; 18 holes; Par 56
Memorial Championship Fountain Layout; 18 holes; Par 56
Memorial Championship Fountain Layout; 18 holes; Par 56
Default Layout; 18 holes; Par 54
Default Layout; 18 holes; Par 54
Marana Classic Layout Saturday; 18 holes; Par 57
Marana Classic Layout Saturday; 18 holes; Par 57
Marana Classic Layout Saturday; 18 holes; Par 57
Papago Safari; 27 holes; Par 81
Papago Safari; 27 holes; Par 81
vista del camino; 21 holes; Par 63
vista del camino; 21 holes; Par 63
Riverfront Park short; 18 holes; Par 54
Riverfront Park short; 18 holes; Par 54
Long Tall Shelly; 24 holes; Par 75
Long Tall Shelly; 24 holes; Par 75
Long Tall Shelly; 24 holes; Par 75
Default Layout; 24 holes; Par 72
Default Layout; 24 holes; Par 72
Default Layout; 24 holes; Par 72
Woodland regular; 18 holes; Par 54
Woodland regular; 18 holes; Par 54
Woodland Monster; 27 holes; Par 83
Show Low 24; 24 holes; Par 72
Show Low 24; 24 holes; Par 72
Woodland Monster; 27 holes; Par 83
Default Layout; 18 holes; Par 54
Default Layout; 18 holes; Par 54
Default Layout; 18 holes; Par 54
Default Layout; 18 holes; Par 54
Fountain Hills Am; 18 holes; Par 55
Vista XL 60; 18 holes; Par 60
Fountain Hills Am; 18 holes; Par 55
Memorial Fountain Layout; 18 holes; Par 55
Memorial Fountain Layout; 18 holes; Par 55
Memorial Fountain Layout; 18 holes; Par 55
Santa Cruz River Park Classic layout, Adv. Men and all Pro; 18 holes; Par 55
Santa Cruz River Park Classic layout, Adv. Men and all Pro; 18 holes; Par 55
Marana Rock DGC Classic layout 2010 Par 63; 18 holes; Par 63
Papago; 27 holes; Par 81
Papago; 27 holes; Par 81
Long Tall Shelly; 24 holes; Par 74
Long Tall Shelly; 24 holes; Par 74
Vista XL 60; 18 holes; Par 60
Championship "A" pads; 18 holes; Par 54
Championship "B" pads; 18 holes; Par 55
Dell Urich "Disc" Golf Course; 18 holes; Par 60
Unknown Layout; 18 holes; Par 54
Unknown Layout; 18 holes; Par 54
Unknown Layout; 18 holes; Par 54
Unknown Layout; 18 holes; Par 54
Unknown Layout; 18 holes; Par 54
Unknown Layout; 18 holes; Par 54
Unknown Layout; 18 holes; Par 54
Unknown Layout; 18 holes; Par 54
Unknown Layout; 18 holes; Par 54
Unknown Layout; 18 holes; Par 54
Unknown Layout; 18 holes; Par 54
Unknown Layout; 18 holes; Par 54
Unknown Layout; 18 holes; Par 54
Unknown Layout; 18 holes; Par 54
Unknown Layout; 18 holes; Par 54
Unknown Layout; 18 holes; Par 54
Unknown Layout; 18 holes; Par 54
Unknown Layout; 18 holes; Par 54
Unknown Layout; 18 holes; Par 54
Unknown Layout; 18 holes; Par 54
Unknown Layout; 18 holes; Par 54
Unknown Layout; 18 holes; Par 54
Unknown Layout; 18 holes; Par 54
Unknown Layout; 18 holes; Par 54
Unknown Layout; 18 holes; Par 54
Unknown Layout; 18 holes; Par 54
Unknown Layout; 18 holes; Par 54
Unknown Layout; 18 holes; Par 54
Unknown Layout; 18 holes; Par 54
Unknown Layout; 18 holes; Par 54
Unknown Layout; 18 holes; Par 54
Unknown Layout; 18 holes; Par 54
Unknown Layout; 18 holes; Par 54
Unknown Layout; 18 holes; Par 54
Unknown Layout; 18 holes; Par 54
Unknown Layout; 18 holes; Par 54
Unknown Layout; 18 holes; Par 54
Unknown Layout; 18 holes; Par 54
Unknown Layout; 18 holes; Par 54
Unknown Layout; 18 holes; Par 54
Unknown Layout; 18 holes; Par 54
Unknown Layout; 18 holes; Par 54
Unknown Layout; 18 holes; Par 54
Unknown Layout; 18 holes; Par 54
Unknown Layout; 18 holes; Par 54
Unknown Layout; 18 holes; Par 54
Unknown Layout; 18 holes; Par 54
Unknown Layout; 18 holes; Par 54
Unknown Layout; 18 holes; Par 54
Unknown Layout; 18 holes; Par 54
Unknown Layout; 18 holes; Par 54
Unknown Layout; 18 holes; Par 54
Unknown Layout; 18 holes; Par 54
Unknown Layout; 18 holes; Par 54
Unknown Layout; 18 holes; Par 54
Unknown Layout; 18 holes; Par 54
Unknown Layout; 18 holes; Par 54
Unknown Layout; 18 holes; Par 54
Unknown Layout; 18 holes; Par 54
Unknown Layout; 18 holes; Par 54
Unknown Layout; 18 holes; Par 54
Timberbeast Challenge Presented By InnovaC29-Jun-2024MP50157853YesYes
Timberbeast Challenge Presented By InnovaC29-Jun-2024MP50258841YesYes
Summer Insan¡tyL10-Jun to 12-Aug-2024MP40256835YesYes
Lords of the Fly [presented by Discraft] * (ApeX Point Series #5)B11-May to 12-May-2024MP50154920YesYes
Lords of the Fly [presented by Discraft] * (ApeX Point Series #5)B11-May to 12-May-2024MP50259922YesYes
Lords of the Fly [presented by Discraft] * (ApeX Point Series #5)B11-May to 12-May-2024MP50384762YesNo
Masters Under the Big Sky Driven by Innova Champion Discs (MASTERS ONLY)C20-Apr-2024MP50153922YesYes
Masters Under the Big Sky Driven by Innova Champion Discs (MASTERS ONLY)C20-Apr-2024MP50251946YesYes
Sunnyside Up 20.24C30-Mar-2024MP50161904YesYes
Sunnyside Up 20.24C30-Mar-2024MP50268830YesYes
The Spookane Open - Presented by SDGC and RPM DiscsB28-Oct to 29-Oct-2023MP40158927YesYes
The Spookane Open - Presented by SDGC and RPM DiscsB28-Oct to 29-Oct-2023MP40261898YesYes
2023 Montana State Disc Golf Championships at Kooky Noosa - Supported By InnovaB/C30-Sep to 1-Oct-2023MP40161917YesYes
2023 Montana State Disc Golf Championships at Kooky Noosa - Supported By InnovaB/C30-Sep to 1-Oct-2023MP40255938YesYes
The Sekani Scorcher Sponsored by Dynamic DiscsC26-Aug-2023MP40158948YesYes
The Sekani Scorcher Sponsored by Dynamic DiscsC26-Aug-2023MP40259939YesYes
2023 Apex Open - APS Championships (Sponsored by Dynamic Discs)B19-Aug to 20-Aug-2023MP40153883YesYes
2023 Apex Open - APS Championships (Sponsored by Dynamic Discs)B19-Aug to 20-Aug-2023MP40249943YesYes
Timberbeast Challenge Driven by InnovaC24-Jun-2023MP40150940NoNo
Timberbeast Challenge Driven by InnovaC24-Jun-2023MP40250940NoNo
Farragut FrenzyC17-Jun to 18-Jun-2023MP40171933NoNo
Farragut FrenzyC17-Jun to 18-Jun-2023MP40Semis100935NoNo
2023 High Country Open presented by INNOVAB2-Jun to 4-Jun-2023MP40170947NoNo
2023 High Country Open presented by INNOVAB2-Jun to 4-Jun-2023MP40267923NoNo
2023 High Country Open presented by INNOVAB2-Jun to 4-Jun-2023MP40369925NoNo
Timberbeast Takedown 3C27-May to 28-May-2023MP40153905NoNo
Timberbeast Takedown 3C27-May to 28-May-2023MP40247980NoNo
Timberbeast Takedown 3C27-May to 28-May-2023MP40353914NoNo
Masters Under the Big Sky Driven by Innova (Masters Only)C15-Apr-2023MP40150947NoNo
Masters Under the Big Sky Driven by Innova (Masters Only)C15-Apr-2023MP40249959NoNo
2023 Spring FlingL1-Apr to 13-May-2023MP40156941NoNo
2023 Spring FlingL1-Apr to 13-May-2023MP40245982NoNo
2023 Spring FlingL1-Apr to 13-May-2023MP40454917NoNo
2023 Spring FlingL1-Apr to 13-May-2023MP40553976NoNo
2023 Spring FlingL1-Apr to 13-May-2023MP40661947NoNo
2023 Spring FlingL1-Apr to 13-May-2023MP40762973NoNo
Sunnyside Up 2023C25-Mar-2023MP40159947NoNo
Sunnyside Up 2023C25-Mar-2023MP40258957NoNo
Oasis Ignition Sequence StartC18-Feb-2023MPO153955NoNo
All Systems Go!C14-Jan-2023MP40156929NoNo
Sekani Fall BrawlL15-Oct to 19-Nov-2022MPO166920NoNo
Sekani Fall BrawlL15-Oct to 19-Nov-2022MPO259982NoNo
Sekani Fall BrawlL15-Oct to 19-Nov-2022MPO361964NoNo
Sekani Fall BrawlL15-Oct to 19-Nov-2022MPO559982NoNo
MONSTER MASH Sponsored by Dynamic DiscsC8-Oct to 9-Oct-2022MPO157934NoNo
MONSTER MASH Sponsored by Dynamic DiscsC8-Oct to 9-Oct-2022MPO260904NoNo
2022 Farragut OpenA/B16-Sep to 18-Sep-2022MP40168943NoNo
2022 Farragut OpenA/B16-Sep to 18-Sep-2022MP40257975NoNo
2022 Farragut OpenA/B16-Sep to 18-Sep-2022MP40354985NoNo
2022 Kooky Noosa ChallengeC27-Aug to 28-Aug-2022MP40158975NoNo
2022 Kooky Noosa ChallengeC27-Aug to 28-Aug-2022MP40252973NoNo
2022 Kooky Noosa ChallengeC27-Aug to 28-Aug-2022MP403521011NoNo
2022 Apex Open - APS Championships (Dynamic Discs sponsored GDG $5K/$10K event)B20-Aug to 21-Aug-2022MPO149953NoNo
2022 Apex Open - APS Championships (Dynamic Discs sponsored GDG $5K/$10K event)B20-Aug to 21-Aug-2022MPO248966NoNo
2022 Apex Open - APS Championships (Dynamic Discs sponsored GDG $5K/$10K event)B20-Aug to 21-Aug-2022MPO3571015NoNo
Timberbeast Takedown IIC30-Jul to 31-Jul-2022MPO149954NoNo
Timberbeast Takedown IIC30-Jul to 31-Jul-2022MPO249954NoNo
Timberbeast Takedown IIC30-Jul to 31-Jul-2022MPO348984NoNo
2022 PDGA Masters Disc Golf World ChampionshipsM12-Jul to 16-Jul-2022MP40184956NoNo
2022 PDGA Masters Disc Golf World ChampionshipsM12-Jul to 16-Jul-2022MP40275956NoNo
2022 PDGA Masters Disc Golf World ChampionshipsM12-Jul to 16-Jul-2022MP40379979NoNo
2022 PDGA Masters Disc Golf World ChampionshipsM12-Jul to 16-Jul-2022MP40470997NoNo
Timberbeast Challenge Presented by Terp House Sessions Driven by InnovaC25-Jun-2022MP40152937NoNo
Timberbeast Challenge Presented by Terp House Sessions Driven by InnovaC25-Jun-2022MP402431044NoNo
Discraft presents the 2022 Beaver State Fling sponsored by Resistance Discs— Amateur/Pro 40+A10-Jun to 12-Jun-2022MP40168946NoNo
Discraft presents the 2022 Beaver State Fling sponsored by Resistance Discs— Amateur/Pro 40+A10-Jun to 12-Jun-2022MP40270918NoNo
Discraft presents the 2022 Beaver State Fling sponsored by Resistance Discs— Amateur/Pro 40+A10-Jun to 12-Jun-2022MP40364977NoNo
Kitsap Classic - Driven by Innova, Hosted by A Advanced Septic & ConstructionA13-May to 15-May-2022MP40197929NoNo
Kitsap Classic - Driven by Innova, Hosted by A Advanced Septic & ConstructionA13-May to 15-May-2022MP40293952NoNo
Kitsap Classic - Driven by Innova, Hosted by A Advanced Septic & ConstructionA13-May to 15-May-2022MP40374962NoNo
Downriver Open - Driven by InnovaC30-Apr-2022MP40152976NoNo
Downriver Open - Driven by InnovaC30-Apr-2022MP40257924NoNo
ApeX Point Series . Spring FlingL9-Apr to 14-May-2022MPO248992NoNo
ApeX Point Series . Spring FlingL9-Apr to 14-May-2022MPO349979NoNo
ApeX Point Series . Spring FlingL9-Apr to 14-May-2022MPO559966NoNo
Masters Under the Big Sky - Presented by Innova (Masters Only)C9-Apr-2022MP40149978NoNo
Masters Under the Big Sky - Presented by Innova (Masters Only)C9-Apr-2022MP40252943NoNo
Sunnyside Up presented by ApeX Disc Golf and DiscGolfGrowthC2-Apr-2022MPO170907NoNo
Sunnyside Up presented by ApeX Disc Golf and DiscGolfGrowthC2-Apr-2022MPO262953NoNo
Iron turtle fall league at Sekani 2021L2-Oct to 6-Nov-2021MPO152978NoNo
Iron turtle fall league at Sekani 2021L2-Oct to 6-Nov-2021MPO450998NoNo
Iron turtle fall league at Sekani 2021L2-Oct to 6-Nov-2021MPO5511004NoNo
2021 Farragut OpenB17-Sep to 19-Sep-2021MP40168955NoNo
2021 Farragut OpenB17-Sep to 19-Sep-2021MP40259979NoNo
2021 Farragut OpenB17-Sep to 19-Sep-2021MP40358944NoNo
Kooky Noosa Challenge Driven by InnovaB28-Aug to 29-Aug-2021MP40156975NoNo
Kooky Noosa Challenge Driven by InnovaB28-Aug to 29-Aug-2021MP40250983NoNo
Kooky Noosa Challenge Driven by InnovaB28-Aug to 29-Aug-2021MP40358956NoNo
ApeX Open (ApeX Point Series Championships) (Dynamic Discs sponsored GDG $5K/$10K event)B21-Aug to 22-Aug-2021MPO148980NoNo
ApeX Open (ApeX Point Series Championships) (Dynamic Discs sponsored GDG $5K/$10K event)B21-Aug to 22-Aug-2021MPO253920NoNo
ApeX Open (ApeX Point Series Championships) (Dynamic Discs sponsored GDG $5K/$10K event)B21-Aug to 22-Aug-2021MPO362982NoNo
50/50 FUNdraiser for Greenacres Middle SchoolC7-Aug-2021MPO158918NoNo
50/50 FUNdraiser for Greenacres Middle SchoolC7-Aug-2021MPO258918NoNo
Timber Beast Takedown powered by ProdigyC24-Jul-2021MPO146997NoNo
Timber Beast Takedown powered by ProdigyC24-Jul-2021MPO248972NoNo
High Country Open presented by InnovaB17-Jul to 18-Jul-2021MP40168968NoNo
High Country Open presented by InnovaB17-Jul to 18-Jul-2021MP40273916NoNo
15th Annual Timberbeast Challenge Driven by InnovaC19-Jun-2021MP40150941NoNo
15th Annual Timberbeast Challenge Driven by InnovaC19-Jun-2021MP40248961NoNo
Latah Creek Open 2021 presented by InnovaC5-Jun to 6-Jun-2021MP40163935NoNo
Latah Creek Open 2021 presented by InnovaC5-Jun to 6-Jun-2021MP40261954NoNo
Downriver Open 2021 sponsored by Dynamic DiscsC24-Apr-2021MP40152972NoNo
Downriver Open 2021 sponsored by Dynamic DiscsC24-Apr-2021MP40251983NoNo
Windy River Open Presented by InnovaB17-Apr to 18-Apr-2021MP40184986NoNo
Windy River Open Presented by InnovaB17-Apr to 18-Apr-2021MP40291961NoNo
Spring Fling . ApeX Point SeriesL20-Mar to 22-May-2021MPO157936NoNo
Spring Fling . ApeX Point SeriesL20-Mar to 22-May-2021MPO2471004NoNo
Spring Fling . ApeX Point SeriesL20-Mar to 22-May-2021MPO363876NoNo
Spring Fling . ApeX Point SeriesL20-Mar to 22-May-2021MPO464890NoNo
Spring Fling . ApeX Point SeriesL20-Mar to 22-May-2021MPO7501001NoNo
Spring Fling . ApeX Point SeriesL20-Mar to 22-May-2021MPO862937NoNo
Spring Fling . ApeX Point SeriesL20-Mar to 22-May-2021MPO966940NoNo
Spring Fling . ApeX Point SeriesL20-Mar to 22-May-2021MPO1056924NoNo
Iron turtle fall league at SekaniL17-Oct to 14-Nov-2020MPO363886NoNo
Iron turtle fall league at SekaniL17-Oct to 14-Nov-2020MPO455964NoNo
Up the Gut 2020B19-Sep to 20-Sep-2020MP40151965NoNo
Up the Gut 2020B19-Sep to 20-Sep-2020MP40260950NoNo
Up the Gut 2020B19-Sep to 20-Sep-2020MP40355973NoNo
ApeX Open (Dynamic Discs sponsored GDG $5K/$10K event)C15-Aug-2020MP40162963NoNo
ApeX Open (Dynamic Discs sponsored GDG $5K/$10K event)C15-Aug-2020MP402571009NoNo
Team High Country presents Project: Cutthroat driven by InnovaB18-Jul to 19-Jul-2020MP40170953NoNo
Team High Country presents Project: Cutthroat driven by InnovaB18-Jul to 19-Jul-2020MP40276910NoNo
Summer Insanity PDGA Sanctioned LeagueL14-Mar to 8-Aug-2020MPO252946NoNo
Summer Insanity PDGA Sanctioned LeagueL14-Mar to 8-Aug-2020MPO457931NoNo
Summer Insanity PDGA Sanctioned LeagueL14-Mar to 8-Aug-2020MPO549985NoNo
Summer Insanity PDGA Sanctioned LeagueL14-Mar to 8-Aug-2020MPO671886NoNo
Summer Insanity PDGA Sanctioned LeagueL14-Mar to 8-Aug-2020MPO7581005NoNo
Summer Insanity PDGA Sanctioned LeagueL14-Mar to 8-Aug-2020MPO951957NoNo
Summer Insanity PDGA Sanctioned LeagueL14-Mar to 8-Aug-2020MPO1058968NoNo
Falling Pine Cones @ SekaniC20-Jul-2019MP401531004NoNo
Falling Pine Cones @ SekaniC20-Jul-2019MP40261910NoNo
Timberbeast Challenge Driven by InnovaC29-Jun-2019MP401461007NoNo
Timberbeast Challenge Driven by InnovaC29-Jun-2019MP40247995NoNo
Latah Creek OpenC22-Jun-2019MPO166935NoNo
Latah Creek OpenC22-Jun-2019MPO260946NoNo
Lilac Country CupB25-May to 26-May-2019MP40156979NoNo
Lilac Country CupB25-May to 26-May-2019MP40254970NoNo
Lilac Country CupB25-May to 26-May-2019MP40363934NoNo
Hyzerbomb presents the Queen City ClassicB27-Apr-2019MP40160936NoNo
Hyzerbomb presents the Queen City ClassicB27-Apr-2019MP40259961NoNo
Farragut WarmupC26-Aug-2018MP40162927NoNo
Farragut WarmupC26-Aug-2018MP40260920NoNo
2018 Blue Power Event #5 Sponsored by Dynamic Discs - Coeur d'Alene, ID - MPO, MPM, MPG, FPO, MA1, MM1, FA1C22-Jul-2018MP40153929NoNo
2018 Blue Power Event #5 Sponsored by Dynamic Discs - Coeur d'Alene, ID - MPO, MPM, MPG, FPO, MA1, MM1, FA1C22-Jul-2018MP40258870NoNo
2018 Lilac Country CupB26-May to 27-May-2018MPO157944NoNo
2018 Lilac Country CupB26-May to 27-May-2018MPO259948NoNo
2018 Lilac Country CupB26-May to 27-May-2018MPO365911NoNo
CDAOpen presented by Dynamic Discs+ WGEC12-May-2018MPO168884NoNo
CDAOpen presented by Dynamic Discs+ WGEC12-May-2018MPO262938NoNo
Maricopa Meadows OpenB27-Jan to 28-Jan-2018MP40185935NoNo
Maricopa Meadows OpenB27-Jan to 28-Jan-2018MP40281962NoNo
Arizona State Championship Presented by Prodigy DiscsB9-Dec to 10-Dec-2017MPM182907NoNo
Arizona State Championship Presented by Prodigy DiscsB9-Dec to 10-Dec-2017MPM2641029NoNo
Cactus Championships presented by Latitude 64B11-Nov to 12-Nov-2017MPM173942NoNo
Cactus Championships presented by Latitude 64B11-Nov to 12-Nov-2017MPM256951NoNo
Peace Surplus Presents Breeze Thru the TreesC21-Oct-2017MPM157973NoNo
Peace Surplus Presents Breeze Thru the TreesC21-Oct-2017MPM261934NoNo
Show Low CRAZE Presented by Innova Champion DiscsA/B7-Oct to 8-Oct-2017MPM159947NoNo
Show Low CRAZE Presented by Innova Champion DiscsA/B7-Oct to 8-Oct-2017MPM252972NoNo
Show Low CRAZE Presented by Innova Champion DiscsA/B7-Oct to 8-Oct-2017MPM352972NoNo
Shalimar Open presented by Latitude 64B15-Jul-2017MPM162939NoNo
Shalimar Open presented by Latitude 64B15-Jul-2017MPM260957NoNo
19th Annual Aspen Sports Treebash OpenB23-Jun to 25-Jun-2017MPM166941NoNo
19th Annual Aspen Sports Treebash OpenB23-Jun to 25-Jun-2017MPM261931NoNo
19th Annual Aspen Sports Treebash OpenB23-Jun to 25-Jun-2017MPM359938NoNo
King of the MountainC27-May to 28-May-2017MPM148972NoNo
King of the MountainC27-May to 28-May-2017MPM249986NoNo
King of the MountainC27-May to 28-May-2017MPM381948NoNo High Desert OpenB29-Apr to 30-Apr-2017MPM154961NoNo High Desert OpenB29-Apr to 30-Apr-2017MPM262907NoNo High Desert OpenB29-Apr to 30-Apr-2017MPM358924NoNo
The Conocido Conquest 2017C25-Mar to 26-Mar-2017MPM164980NoNo
The Conocido Conquest 2017C25-Mar to 26-Mar-2017MPM281860NoNo
The Conocido Conquest 2017C25-Mar to 26-Mar-2017MPM363982NoNo
DGPT - Memorial Championship presented by DiscraftA1-Mar to 4-Mar-2017MPM168923NoNo
DGPT - Memorial Championship presented by DiscraftA1-Mar to 4-Mar-2017MPM257949NoNo
DGPT - Memorial Championship presented by DiscraftA1-Mar to 4-Mar-2017MPM360931NoNo
Show Low FREEZE Presented by Innova Champion DiscsC11-Feb-2017MPM151960NoNo
Show Low FREEZE Presented by Innova Champion DiscsC11-Feb-2017MPM258881NoNo
Cactus City Championships by Latitude 64B19-Nov to 20-Nov-2016MPM155964NoNo
Cactus City Championships by Latitude 64B19-Nov to 20-Nov-2016MPM251981NoNo
Cactus City Championships by Latitude 64B19-Nov to 20-Nov-2016MPM354955NoNo
Shelly Sharpe Memorial presented by SpinnersontheGreen.comB21-Oct to 23-Oct-2016MPO161957NoNo
Shelly Sharpe Memorial presented by SpinnersontheGreen.comB21-Oct to 23-Oct-2016MPO259974NoNo
Shelly Sharpe Memorial presented by SpinnersontheGreen.comB21-Oct to 23-Oct-2016MPOFinals57992NoNo
Show Low CRAZE Presented by Innova Champion DiscsB8-Oct to 9-Oct-2016MPO166981NoNo
Show Low CRAZE Presented by Innova Champion DiscsB8-Oct to 9-Oct-2016MPO278879NoNo
Show Low CRAZE Presented by Innova Champion DiscsB8-Oct to 9-Oct-2016MPO370860NoNo
Peace Surplus Presents Breeze Thru the TreesC1-Oct-2016MPM162924NoNo
Peace Surplus Presents Breeze Thru the TreesC1-Oct-2016MPM260943NoNo
The Casa Grande Open Presented by Latitude 64B17-Sep to 18-Sep-2016MPM166959NoNo
The Casa Grande Open Presented by Latitude 64B17-Sep to 18-Sep-2016MPM265966NoNo
The Casa Grande Open Presented by Latitude 64B17-Sep to 18-Sep-2016MPM363982NoNo
Top of the Pines Presented by Black Diamond Auto GlassB2-Jul to 3-Jul-2016MPM165932NoNo
Top of the Pines Presented by Black Diamond Auto GlassB2-Jul to 3-Jul-2016MPM261968NoNo
Top of the Pines Presented by Black Diamond Auto GlassB2-Jul to 3-Jul-2016MPM362959NoNo
18th Aspen Sports Treebash OpenB25-Jun to 26-Jun-2016MPM177929NoNo
18th Aspen Sports Treebash OpenB25-Jun to 26-Jun-2016MPM270983NoNo
King of The MountainC28-May to 29-May-2016MPM148963NoNo
King of The MountainC28-May to 29-May-2016MPM251942NoNo
King of The MountainC28-May to 29-May-2016MPM376991NoNo
Conocido Conquest (Ams = Advanced Men & Women)C9-Apr to 10-Apr-2016MPM158914NoNo
Conocido Conquest (Ams = Advanced Men & Women)C9-Apr to 10-Apr-2016MPM255945NoNo
Conocido Conquest (Ams = Advanced Men & Women)C9-Apr to 10-Apr-2016MPM359920NoNo
Show Low Freeze Presented by Innova Champion DiscsC13-Feb-2016MPM151923NoNo
Show Low Freeze Presented by Innova Champion DiscsC13-Feb-2016MPM248961NoNo
King of the Hills presented by Law Offices of Paul J SaccoB30-Jan-2016MPM154970NoNo
King of the Hills presented by Law Offices of Paul J SaccoB30-Jan-2016MPM259921NoNo
Maricopa Meadows Open presented by Latitude 64 Golf DiscsB/A16-Jan to 17-Jan-2016MPM179962NoNo
Maricopa Meadows Open presented by Latitude 64 Golf DiscsB/A16-Jan to 17-Jan-2016MPM277977NoNo
AZ State Championships by Latitude 64B21-Nov to 22-Nov-2015MPM169998NoNo
AZ State Championships by Latitude 64B21-Nov to 22-Nov-2015MPM286938NoNo
30th Shelly Sharpe MemorialA/B23-Oct to 25-Oct-2015MPM174953NoNo
30th Shelly Sharpe MemorialA/B23-Oct to 25-Oct-2015MPM274953NoNo
30th Shelly Sharpe MemorialA/B23-Oct to 25-Oct-2015MPM361938NoNo
The Innova Show Low Craze Presented by Golden Eagle DistributorsB3-Oct to 4-Oct-2015MPO157923NoNo
The Innova Show Low Craze Presented by Golden Eagle DistributorsB3-Oct to 4-Oct-2015MPO256933NoNo
The Innova Show Low Craze Presented by Golden Eagle DistributorsB3-Oct to 4-Oct-2015MPO358932NoNo
The Innova Show Low Craze Presented by Golden Eagle DistributorsB3-Oct to 4-Oct-2015MPO454954NoNo
Tour of the White MountainsC16-Aug-2015MPO148975NoNo
Tour of the White MountainsC16-Aug-2015MPO253959NoNo
Tour of the White MountainsC16-Aug-2015MPO354902NoNo
White Mountain Autism Disc Golf TournamentC15-Aug-2015MPO149970NoNo
White Mountain Autism Disc Golf TournamentC15-Aug-2015MPO2441030NoNo
Top of the Pines Presented by Black Diamond Auto GlassB27-Jun to 28-Jun-2015MPM168917NoNo
Top of the Pines Presented by Black Diamond Auto GlassB27-Jun to 28-Jun-2015MPM270900NoNo
Top of the Pines Presented by Black Diamond Auto GlassB27-Jun to 28-Jun-2015MPM362969NoNo
17th Annual Aspen Sports Treebash OpenB6-Jun to 7-Jun-2015MPM160969NoNo
17th Annual Aspen Sports Treebash OpenB6-Jun to 7-Jun-2015MPM267902NoNo
17th Annual Aspen Sports Treebash OpenB6-Jun to 7-Jun-2015MPM364938NoNo
17th Annual Aspen Sports Treebash OpenB6-Jun to 7-Jun-2015MPM4541021NoNo
King of the MountainC23-May to 24-May-2015MPM154956NoNo
King of the MountainC23-May to 24-May-2015MPM253940NoNo
King of the MountainC23-May to 24-May-2015MPM380962NoNo
Rio Pueblo Open presented by Elite Brothers Disc GolfB16-May to 17-May-2015MPM162971NoNo
Rio Pueblo Open presented by Elite Brothers Disc GolfB16-May to 17-May-2015MPM266914NoNo
Rio Pueblo Open presented by Elite Brothers Disc GolfB16-May to 17-May-2015MPM364943NoNo
Conocido ConquestC11-Apr to 12-Apr-2015MPM152991NoNo
Conocido ConquestC11-Apr to 12-Apr-2015MPM252991NoNo
Conocido ConquestC11-Apr to 12-Apr-2015MPM350996NoNo
The Show Low FreezeC21-Feb-2015MPO153954NoNo
The Show Low FreezeC21-Feb-2015MPO255932NoNo
King of the HillsB31-Jan-2015MPM163898NoNo
King of the HillsB31-Jan-2015MPM262907NoNo
Maricopa Meadows OpenB17-Jan-2015MPM167862NoNo
Maricopa Meadows OpenB17-Jan-2015MPM254993NoNo
Casa Grande Open at Palm Creek Golf ClubC6-Dec-2014MPM152961NoNo
Casa Grande Open at Palm Creek Golf ClubC6-Dec-2014MPM254900NoNo
Ctiy Championships presented by law offices of Paul J SaccoB28-Nov to 30-Nov-2014MPM151971NoNo
Ctiy Championships presented by law offices of Paul J SaccoB28-Nov to 30-Nov-2014MPM257920NoNo
Ctiy Championships presented by law offices of Paul J SaccoB28-Nov to 30-Nov-2014MPM362926NoNo
The Harvest Toss presented by Latitude 64C23-Nov-2014MPM150984NoNo
The Harvest Toss presented by Latitude 64C23-Nov-2014MPM252963NoNo
2014 AZ Disc Golf Championships presented by the Shelly Sharpe MemorialA/B24-Oct to 26-Oct-2014MPM173949NoNo
2014 AZ Disc Golf Championships presented by the Shelly Sharpe MemorialA/B24-Oct to 26-Oct-2014MPM253946NoNo
2014 AZ Disc Golf Championships presented by the Shelly Sharpe MemorialA/B24-Oct to 26-Oct-2014MPM366903NoNo
Show Low Daze Presented By Golden Eagle DistributorsB27-Sep to 28-Sep-2014MPM158887NoNo
Show Low Daze Presented By Golden Eagle DistributorsB27-Sep to 28-Sep-2014MPM252954NoNo
Show Low Daze Presented By Golden Eagle DistributorsB27-Sep to 28-Sep-2014MPM359875NoNo
Show Low Daze Presented By Golden Eagle DistributorsB27-Sep to 28-Sep-2014MPM454992NoNo
Aspen Sports TreebashB2-Aug to 3-Aug-2014MPM1551003NoNo
Aspen Sports TreebashB2-Aug to 3-Aug-2014MPM260957NoNo
Aspen Sports TreebashB2-Aug to 3-Aug-2014MPM361971NoNo
Aspen Sports TreebashB2-Aug to 3-Aug-2014MPM461945NoNo
14th Top of the Pines presented by Black Diamond Auto GlassB12-Jul to 13-Jul-2014MPM155985NoNo
14th Top of the Pines presented by Black Diamond Auto GlassB12-Jul to 13-Jul-2014MPM261960NoNo
14th Top of the Pines presented by Black Diamond Auto GlassB12-Jul to 13-Jul-2014MPM379984NoNo
100 Holes from HellC21-Jun-2014MPM192951NoNo
100 Holes from HellC21-Jun-2014MPM288978NoNo
100 Holes from HellC21-Jun-2014MPM3101937NoNo
King of the MountainC17-May to 18-May-2014MPM155937NoNo
King of the MountainC17-May to 18-May-2014MPM250962NoNo
King of the MountainC17-May to 18-May-2014MPM359909NoNo
Conocido Conquest presented by Falling PuttC12-Apr to 13-Apr-2014MPM152981NoNo
Conocido Conquest presented by Falling PuttC12-Apr to 13-Apr-2014MPM2501001NoNo
Conocido Conquest presented by Falling PuttC12-Apr to 13-Apr-2014MPM355952NoNo
Conocido Conquest presented by Falling PuttC12-Apr to 13-Apr-2014MPM456941NoNo
Lockdown at the RockB22-Mar to 23-Mar-2014MPM151974NoNo
Lockdown at the RockB22-Mar to 23-Mar-2014MPM254960NoNo
Lockdown at the RockB22-Mar to 23-Mar-2014MPM385935NoNo
The 26th Annual Memorial Championship presented by Discraft AMA26-Feb to 28-Feb-2014MA1158946NoNo
The 26th Annual Memorial Championship presented by Discraft AMA26-Feb to 28-Feb-2014MA1263952NoNo
The 26th Annual Memorial Championship presented by Discraft AMA26-Feb to 28-Feb-2014MA1360927NoNo
Valentine ClassicC16-Feb-2014MPM159909NoNo
Valentine ClassicC16-Feb-2014MPM259909NoNo
36th Annual Wintertime OpenB8-Feb to 9-Feb-2014MA1165941NoNo
36th Annual Wintertime OpenB8-Feb to 9-Feb-2014MA1265941NoNo
36th Annual Wintertime OpenB8-Feb to 9-Feb-2014MA1367924NoNo
Inaugural Maricopa Meadows OpenC18-Jan-2014MPM164928NoNo
Inaugural Maricopa Meadows OpenC18-Jan-2014MPM2561000NoNo
Cactus FinaleB14-Dec to 15-Dec-2013MA1178959NoNo
Cactus FinaleB14-Dec to 15-Dec-2013MA1270965NoNo
Cottonwood Fall ClassicC10-Nov-2013MPO1441018NoNo
Cottonwood Fall ClassicC10-Nov-2013MPO251984NoNo
The 28th Shelly Sharpe Memorial presented by Spinners on the GreenA/B18-Oct to 20-Oct-2013MA1168983NoNo
The 28th Shelly Sharpe Memorial presented by Spinners on the GreenA/B18-Oct to 20-Oct-2013MA1259954NoNo
1st Annual Arizona State Disc Golf ChampionshipsB21-Sep to 22-Sep-2013MA1158910NoNo
1st Annual Arizona State Disc Golf ChampionshipsB21-Sep to 22-Sep-2013MA12501003NoNo
1st Annual Arizona State Disc Golf ChampionshipsB21-Sep to 22-Sep-2013MA1362943NoNo
25th New Mexico State ChampionshipsB24-Aug to 25-Aug-2013MA1194946NoNo
25th New Mexico State ChampionshipsB24-Aug to 25-Aug-2013MA1299917NoNo
WY Open fka Shoot the BreezeC10-Aug to 11-Aug-2013MA1158963NoNo
WY Open fka Shoot the BreezeC10-Aug to 11-Aug-2013MA1260940NoNo
WY Open fka Shoot the BreezeC10-Aug to 11-Aug-2013MA1378957NoNo
13th Top of The Pines Presented by White Mountains Autism FoundationB6-Jul to 7-Jul-2013MA1156937NoNo
13th Top of The Pines Presented by White Mountains Autism FoundationB6-Jul to 7-Jul-2013MA1254958NoNo
13th Top of The Pines Presented by White Mountains Autism FoundationB6-Jul to 7-Jul-2013MA1377983NoNo
8th Annual Lemmon DropB/C22-Jun to 23-Jun-2013MA1180984NoNo
8th Annual Lemmon DropB/C22-Jun to 23-Jun-2013MA1286945NoNo
Aspen Sports Treebash OpenB1-Jun to 2-Jun-2013MA1150955NoNo
Aspen Sports Treebash OpenB1-Jun to 2-Jun-2013MA1247991NoNo
Aspen Sports Treebash OpenB1-Jun to 2-Jun-2013MA1353940NoNo
Aspen Sports Treebash OpenB1-Jun to 2-Jun-2013MA1452952NoNo
King of the MountainC18-May to 19-May-2013MA1155954NoNo
King of the MountainC18-May to 19-May-2013MA1253966NoNo
King of the MountainC18-May to 19-May-2013MA1382960NoNo
Conocido ConquestB13-Apr to 14-Apr-2013MA1154961NoNo
Conocido ConquestB13-Apr to 14-Apr-2013MA1256941NoNo
Conocido ConquestB13-Apr to 14-Apr-2013MA1349996NoNo
Conocido ConquestB13-Apr to 14-Apr-2013MA1458898NoNo
Lockdown at the RockB23-Mar to 24-Mar-2013MA1153979NoNo
Lockdown at the RockB23-Mar to 24-Mar-2013MA1262911NoNo
Lockdown at the RockB23-Mar to 24-Mar-2013MA1382959NoNo
Smash Burger presents Thunder RidgeC16-Mar-2013MA1151944NoNo
Smash Burger presents Thunder RidgeC16-Mar-2013MA1253947NoNo
The 25th Annual Memorial Championship presented by DiscraftA27-Feb to 1-Mar-2013MA1159944NoNo
The 25th Annual Memorial Championship presented by DiscraftA27-Feb to 1-Mar-2013MA1265938NoNo
The 25th Annual Memorial Championship presented by DiscraftA27-Feb to 1-Mar-2013MA1356972NoNo
Memorial Warm-upB/C2-Feb to 3-Feb-2013MA1156968NoNo
Memorial Warm-upB/C2-Feb to 3-Feb-2013MA1255978NoNo
Memorial Warm-upB/C2-Feb to 3-Feb-2013MA1358966NoNo
Cactus Championships presented by the Law Offices of Paul J Sacco & Mark Hall Attorney at LawB23-Nov to 24-Nov-2012MA1175943NoNo
Cactus Championships presented by the Law Offices of Paul J Sacco & Mark Hall Attorney at LawB23-Nov to 24-Nov-2012MA1280932NoNo
Cottonwood Fall ClassicC11-Nov-2012MPO151962NoNo
Cottonwood Fall ClassicC11-Nov-2012MPO257932NoNo
27th Annual Shelly Sharpe Memorial presented by Spinners on the GreenA/B12-Oct to 14-Oct-2012MA1178919NoNo
27th Annual Shelly Sharpe Memorial presented by Spinners on the GreenA/B12-Oct to 14-Oct-2012MA1257986NoNo
Fiesta OpenC21-Jul-2012MPO156897NoNo
Fiesta OpenC21-Jul-2012MPO249978NoNo
Top of The PinesB7-Jul to 8-Jul-2012MPO160880NoNo
Top of The PinesB7-Jul to 8-Jul-2012MPO250988NoNo
Top of The PinesB7-Jul to 8-Jul-2012MPO350992NoNo
Top of The PinesB7-Jul to 8-Jul-2012MPO457918NoNo
King of The MountainC19-May to 20-May-2012MA1152918NoNo
King of The MountainC19-May to 20-May-2012MA1257924NoNo
King of The MountainC19-May to 20-May-2012MA1357891NoNo
Windwalkers High Desert OpenC5-May to 6-May-2012MA1169929NoNo
Windwalkers High Desert OpenC5-May to 6-May-2012MA1273925NoNo
Windwalkers High Desert OpenC5-May to 6-May-2012MA1392923NoNo
Conocido ConquestC21-Apr to 22-Apr-2012MA1155922NoNo
Conocido ConquestC21-Apr to 22-Apr-2012MA1255922NoNo
Conocido ConquestC21-Apr to 22-Apr-2012MA1356893NoNo
Conocido ConquestC21-Apr to 22-Apr-2012MA1453928NoNo
White Buffalo Amateur ClassicC1-Apr-2012MA1159884NoNo
White Buffalo Amateur ClassicC1-Apr-2012MA1255928NoNo
Lockdown at the RockB24-Mar to 25-Mar-2012MA1158929NoNo
Lockdown at the RockB24-Mar to 25-Mar-2012MA1257938NoNo
Lockdown at the RockB24-Mar to 25-Mar-2012MA1384948NoNo
Memorial Warm-UpC28-Jan to 29-Jan-2012MA1157975NoNo
Memorial Warm-UpC28-Jan to 29-Jan-2012MA1260947NoNo
Memorial Warm-UpC28-Jan to 29-Jan-2012MA1362929NoNo
Thunderbird Amateur OpenC14-Jan-2012MA1148981NoNo
Thunderbird Amateur OpenC14-Jan-2012MA1253921NoNo
Southern Arizona Disc Golf Classic 2011B10-Dec to 11-Dec-2011MA1170863NoNo
Southern Arizona Disc Golf Classic 2011B10-Dec to 11-Dec-2011MA1268881NoNo
Southern Arizona Disc Golf Classic 2011B10-Dec to 11-Dec-2011MA1470868NoNo
Cactus ChampionshipsB25-Nov to 26-Nov-2011MA1177920NoNo
Cactus ChampionshipsB25-Nov to 26-Nov-2011MA1278950NoNo
Halloween Classic presented by Spinners on the GreenC29-Oct-2011MA1159931NoNo
Halloween Classic presented by Spinners on the GreenC29-Oct-2011MA1260920NoNo
Cottonwood Fall ClassicC23-Oct-2011MA1151939NoNo
Cottonwood Fall ClassicC23-Oct-2011MA1259940NoNo
26th Annual Shelly Sharpe Memorial presented by Spinners on the GreenA/B8-Oct to 9-Oct-2011MA1171980NoNo
26th Annual Shelly Sharpe Memorial presented by Spinners on the GreenA/B8-Oct to 9-Oct-2011MA1277935NoNo
26th Annual Shelly Sharpe Memorial presented by Spinners on the GreenA/B8-Oct to 9-Oct-2011MA1379921NoNo
Rim Country OpenC23-Jul to 24-Jul-2011MA1175914NoNo
Rim Country OpenC23-Jul to 24-Jul-2011MA1269963NoNo
Rim Country OpenC23-Jul to 24-Jul-2011MA1375914NoNo
Top of the Pines Presented by Golden Eagle DistributorsB9-Jul to 10-Jul-2011MA1155931NoNo
Top of the Pines Presented by Golden Eagle DistributorsB9-Jul to 10-Jul-2011MA1254942NoNo
Top of the Pines Presented by Golden Eagle DistributorsB9-Jul to 10-Jul-2011MA1391915NoNo
King of the Mountain presented by Off Axis DesignB21-May to 22-May-2011MA1176927NoNo
King of the Mountain presented by Off Axis DesignB21-May to 22-May-2011MA1275934NoNo
King of the Mountain presented by Off Axis DesignB21-May to 22-May-2011MA1391919NoNo
Conocido ConquestC16-Apr to 17-Apr-2011MA1150984NoNo
Conocido ConquestC16-Apr to 17-Apr-2011MA1251973NoNo
Conocido ConquestC16-Apr to 17-Apr-2011MA13481005NoNo
Conocido ConquestC16-Apr to 17-Apr-2011MA1458896NoNo
The Memorial Championship presented by DiscraftA2-Mar to 4-Mar-2011MA1160937NoNo
The Memorial Championship presented by DiscraftA2-Mar to 4-Mar-2011MA1264944NoNo
The Memorial Championship presented by DiscraftA2-Mar to 4-Mar-2011MA1362918NoNo
15th Annual Fountain Hills ThrillsC29-Jan to 30-Jan-2011MA1158941NoNo
15th Annual Fountain Hills ThrillsC29-Jan to 30-Jan-2011MA1255970NoNo
15th Annual Fountain Hills ThrillsC29-Jan to 30-Jan-2011MA1362902NoNo
The Southern Arizona Disc Golf Classic 2010B11-Dec to 12-Dec-2010MA1152984NoNo
The Southern Arizona Disc Golf Classic 2010B11-Dec to 12-Dec-2010MA1261894NoNo
The Southern Arizona Disc Golf Classic 2010B11-Dec to 12-Dec-2010MA1369925NoNo
Cactus Championships presented by the Law Offices of Paul J. Sacco & Mark Hall Attorney at LawB20-Nov to 21-Nov-2010MA1182915NoNo
Cactus Championships presented by the Law Offices of Paul J. Sacco & Mark Hall Attorney at LawB20-Nov to 21-Nov-2010MA1288915NoNo
25th Annual Shelly Sharpe Memorial Presented by Sierra Nevada Brewing Co.B16-Oct to 17-Oct-2010MA1182871NoNo
25th Annual Shelly Sharpe Memorial Presented by Sierra Nevada Brewing Co.B16-Oct to 17-Oct-2010MA1278903NoNo
25th Annual Shelly Sharpe Memorial Presented by Sierra Nevada Brewing Co.B16-Oct to 17-Oct-2010MA1375810NoNo
Tumbleweed OpenB25-Sep to 26-Sep-2010MA1149913NoNo
Tumbleweed OpenB25-Sep to 26-Sep-2010MA1259891NoNo
Tumbleweed OpenB25-Sep to 26-Sep-2010MA1371893NoNo
Samurai Sams Presents the 2nd Annual Show Low DazeC28-Aug-2010MA1157923NoNo
Samurai Sams Presents the 2nd Annual Show Low DazeC28-Aug-2010MA1263861NoNo
Samurai Sams Presents the 2nd Annual Show Low DazeC28-Aug-2010MA1358913NoNo
Lemmon Drop, 5th AnnualB31-Jul to 1-Aug-2010MA1192902NoNo
Lemmon Drop, 5th AnnualB31-Jul to 1-Aug-2010MA1286941NoNo
Bud Light Presents the 9th Annual Top of the PinesB17-Jul to 18-Jul-2010MA1156928NoNo
Bud Light Presents the 9th Annual Top of the PinesB17-Jul to 18-Jul-2010MA1257917NoNo
Bud Light Presents the 9th Annual Top of the PinesB17-Jul to 18-Jul-2010MA1393894NoNo
Aspen Sports Treebash OpenA5-Jun to 6-Jun-2010MA1165822NoNo
Aspen Sports Treebash OpenA5-Jun to 6-Jun-2010MA1252963NoNo
Aspen Sports Treebash OpenA5-Jun to 6-Jun-2010MA1357912NoNo
Aspen Sports Treebash OpenA5-Jun to 6-Jun-2010MA1462858NoNo
The High Desert OpenC1-May to 2-May-2010MA1168903NoNo
The High Desert OpenC1-May to 2-May-2010MA1278879NoNo
Conocido ConquestC17-Apr to 18-Apr-2010MA1157900NoNo
Conocido ConquestC17-Apr to 18-Apr-2010MA1257900NoNo
Conocido ConquestC17-Apr to 18-Apr-2010MA1356900NoNo
Conocido ConquestC17-Apr to 18-Apr-2010MA1458877NoNo
The Lockdown at The RockC27-Mar to 28-Mar-2010MA1158933NoNo
The Lockdown at The RockC27-Mar to 28-Mar-2010MA1257947NoNo
The Lockdown at The RockC27-Mar to 28-Mar-2010MA1386925NoNo
The Memorial Championship - AmsA4-Mar to 6-Mar-2010MA1161931NoNo
The Memorial Championship - AmsA4-Mar to 6-Mar-2010MA1262956NoNo
The Memorial Championship - AmsA4-Mar to 6-Mar-2010MA1368866NoNo
Fountain Hills ThrillsC30-Jan to 31-Jan-2010MA1158935NoNo
Fountain Hills ThrillsC30-Jan to 31-Jan-2010MA1260915NoNo
Fountain Hills ThrillsC30-Jan to 31-Jan-2010MA1355964NoNo
Southern Arizona Disc Golf ClassicC12-Dec to 13-Dec-2009MA1155949NoNo
Southern Arizona Disc Golf ClassicC12-Dec to 13-Dec-2009MA1253858NoNo
Southern Arizona Disc Golf ClassicC12-Dec to 13-Dec-2009MA1352936NoNo
Southern Arizona Disc Golf ClassicC12-Dec to 13-Dec-2009MA1464886NoNo
City ChampionshipsC14-Nov to 15-Nov-2009MA2179926NoNo
City ChampionshipsC14-Nov to 15-Nov-2009MA2287872NoNo
4th Annual Halloween Disc Golf ClassicC31-Oct-2009MA2164914NoNo
4th Annual Halloween Disc Golf ClassicC31-Oct-2009MA2264914NoNo
24th Shelly Sharpe Memorial presented by Sierra NevadaB17-Oct to 18-Oct-2009MA2162846NoNo
24th Shelly Sharpe Memorial presented by Sierra NevadaB17-Oct to 18-Oct-2009MA2259879NoNo
24th Shelly Sharpe Memorial presented by Sierra NevadaB17-Oct to 18-Oct-2009MA2366899NoNo
Showlow DazeC3-Oct-2009MA2162901NoNo
Showlow DazeC3-Oct-2009MA2259930NoNo
8th Annual Top of the Pines Presented by BudweiserB11-Jul to 12-Jul-2009MA2158906NoNo
8th Annual Top of the Pines Presented by BudweiserB11-Jul to 12-Jul-2009MA2257916NoNo
8th Annual Top of the Pines Presented by BudweiserB11-Jul to 12-Jul-2009MA2391923NoNo
Aspen Sports Treebash OpenA6-Jun to 7-Jun-2009MA2159915NoNo
Aspen Sports Treebash OpenA6-Jun to 7-Jun-2009MA2260905NoNo
Aspen Sports Treebash OpenA6-Jun to 7-Jun-2009MA2368826NoNo
High Desert OpenC2-May to 3-May-2009MA2179829NoNo
High Desert OpenC2-May to 3-May-2009MA2272890NoNo
High Desert OpenC2-May to 3-May-2009MA2394817NoNo
Conocido ConquestC18-Apr to 19-Apr-2009MA2161857NoNo
Conocido ConquestC18-Apr to 19-Apr-2009MA2262846NoNo
Conocido ConquestC18-Apr to 19-Apr-2009MA2357906NoNo
Conocido ConquestC18-Apr to 19-Apr-2009MA2458895NoNo
13th Annual Fountain Hills ThrillsC24-Jan to 25-Jan-2009MA2165790NoNo
13th Annual Fountain Hills ThrillsC24-Jan to 25-Jan-2009MA2266793NoNo
13th Annual Fountain Hills ThrillsC24-Jan to 25-Jan-2009MA2360908NoNo
Law Offices of Paul J. Sacco Halloween ClassicC25-Oct-2008MA2168874NoNo
Law Offices of Paul J. Sacco Halloween ClassicC25-Oct-2008MA2271844NoNo
Shelly Sharpe MemorialB11-Oct to 12-Oct-2008MA2166798NoNo
Shelly Sharpe MemorialB11-Oct to 12-Oct-2008MA2262843NoNo
Shelly Sharpe MemorialB11-Oct to 12-Oct-2008MA2364901NoNo